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Waking up the next day I got ready to go to the Eiffel Tower.

My stepdads driver took me there and waited for me.

I walked all the way to the top of the tower and took in the air.

I looked to the right bottom and saw hunter.

He was smiling.

I waved blushing.

He pointed to the bottom of the tower on the grassy floor.

I nodded in agreement and walked down the long stairs.

Finally after a while I saw that he was smiling.

"Are you following me Mr.Adams?"
"No ha I just saw you around and when I came here I saw you enjoying your time so I thought why not ask her to hang out...."
"Well....mr.hunter I don't think my brother will be okay with this..."
I smiled.
"He wouldn't mind..."
He grabbed my hand and we walked hand in hand around Paris.

"Don't you ever want to leave this place?"
"Never....but it gets kinda lonely, especially when your parents are always around the world"
"But the funny thing is.....I have never been to California, it hurts to say but ya"
"Then come with me...."
"I can't Amber,"
"Please hunter, you have made my Paris trip amazing, at least let me do this for you!"
"Okay I will see"

I smiled then we walked back to my hotel.


I saw Cameron walk out eating food.


Then he stopped when he saw hunter.

"Who is this"
He pointed.
"This is hunter Adams"

"bonjour je l'ai entendu beaucoup de choses sur vous"
Hunter said.
"salut je suis cameron Dallas , je vois votre français"
Cameron answered back.

"Can you guys speak English please "
I smiled.

"Well, I have to be going anyways Amber, it was nice meeting you Cameron......Au revoir Amber"
He kissed my cheek and left.

Once he closed the door, Cameron locked the door and went to his room.

"What Amber!!!"
"Why are you pissed?!"
"I am not....I just don't like that your walking around with out me and you brought a guy to our hotel!! We have to leave now"
"What?!? Is wrong with you!"
"Amber trust me, it is very dangerous"

He stood there, then walked back to his room.

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