Irony is cruel joke.

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"Mother, what is the meaning of this?" Father asks as Amelia is been dragged out of the room.

"The promise document allows her to end her marriage, she presented the King's crown to me, if she had finished talking, Maximilian would have had to divorce her and lose all right to the crown" Grandmother answers. We all sigh. 

"Father and Captain Mace did thought of everything" Father says

"Captain Mace was very concern of the happiness of his granddaughter, he had seen first hand what this crown does to the people who wear it, he did not wanted that for his granddaughter, and he begged the king to stop the madness, to forget about the promise he had made, but Charles refused, and that's why he agreed to all the clauses, because the clauses guarantee Amelia her happiness and freedom over anything" Grandmother says as she cries.

"There must be something to be done" Mother says

"Princess Amelia cannot be allowed to leave this palace if she doesn't change her mind, because if she exposes the king's crown to the public and declares herself divorced, we will have to honor it" Grandmother answers.

"In order words, we are cornered" Father says

"I am afraid, even if she hates us for the rest of her life, Amelia is to become a prisoner of the crown, we cannot risk it, it is too much humiliation for the crown" Grandmother says.

"She will be send to the Mace Palace" Father says and we all look at him.

"Your majesty..." "I am afraid she knows every room of this palace, she will find the way to escape, our only hope for the crown to recover is to keep her as prisoner, well, the Mace palace will do the work" Father says.

What have I done?


"Introducing, King Caleb Renaldo, Queen Jasmine Renaldo, Queen Denise Renaldo, and Prince Maximilian Renaldo" the royal announcer says as the royal family enters to my room.

"The royal family has gone through an ordeal of scandals in the last few months, a new one is not what we need, so your highness, we will not allow you to shake this marriage off so easily, you can have two options, you either forget the idea of declaring the divorce or you become a permanent resident of the Mace Palace, your choice, and I suggest you think before you talk, because if you think for a second declaring yourself divorce, there isn't going to be an option" King Caleb says.

The guard removes the tape from my mouth "I rather go to the Mace Palace rather than agreeing to stay married to him" I say.

"I would..." "I do not have to consider anything, your majesty" I say.

"Very well, take her to the Mace Palace" King Caleb orders.

"You better know that it will take more than that palace to make me change my mind, because as long as I can breath, I will do my best to get out of this marriage, even if I have to die to accomplish it" I say as they exit my room.

A royal prisoner in the palace my grandfather designed to punish prisoners, irony, sweet, sweet, irony.

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