Chapter 14

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JaeSoo's POV:- 

Where is he? He's 30 minutes late now!

"I'm home!"

I ran to the main door and I saw Minhyuk is smiling with a bouquet of roses in his right hand.

"Errr...I'm sorry for being  late..."he smiled at me.

I just smiled at him.

"Gwenchana...Come,lets eat."I said.

We walk past the living room where JeongMin is sitting on the couch while reading his lyrics.

"So, hows your practice going?"I asked him.

"Everything's going fine."he answered.

"So, where were you earlier?"

"I met my old friend at the park and went to the store to buy those roses for you."

"Oh...gomawo..."I smiled sheepishly.

Nobody's POV:-

JeongMin who is reading on the couch felt distracted when he heard JaeSoo laugh with Minhyuk.


He let out a loud sigh.

"JeongMin?Gwenchana?"JaeSoo suddenly asked.

"Eh? Since when did you get here?"JeongMin asked.

"Err...Since you let out that loud sigh."JaeSoo replied.


"What's wrong with you these days?"she asked again.

"Huh?There's nothing wrong with me."

"Are you sure?"she asked.

JeongMin nodded and bring his book to his room.

"What's wrong with him?"Minhyuk came from the kitchen.

"Don't know"JaeSoo replied.

"Well..."Minhyuk suddenly came close to JaeSoo and hugged her waist.

"What?"JaeSoo asked while laughing slowly.

"Lets get some sleep."JaeSoo said when Minhyuk is still keeping his voice.

"Aniyo~I want you to kiss me first..."Minhyuk acted like a child.

"Aigoo~~This guy..."JaeSoo just smile sheepishly and pecked Minhyuk's lips before she ran to their room.

"Can I have another one?"Minhyuk shouted from downstairs.

"Yah! Don't shout!"JaeSoo's face started to blush.

"Ara ara~~"Minhyuk just laugh when he sees JaeSoo's reddened face.

"Good night oppa."JaeSoo said as she wrapped her hands to Minhyuk's waist.

"Good night jagiya..."Minhyuk replied with a kiss on her forehead.

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