Chapter11: Rainy day

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{Balcony up there lol🌧😂}
🌸Bomi POV🌸:
I woke up in Chen arms I smiled I quietly went out of his embrace because I didn't want to wake him up..I went to the bathroom and took a shower then brush my teeth what you usually do in the hair was kinda wet so I dried it, I went to the kitchen I didn't know what to cook so basic eggs and bacon and French toast with butter (I like it that way 😂) I cooked one for Chen too he was still sleeping as I walked my eyes are getting blurry "ah-hh" I said, that hurts why can't I remember...I wanna remember😞! I only remember some "ughh!!" I said I sarcastically threw my arms up then hitting a glass cup and it fell on the floor as I watched, "OMO!" I said I got out of my seat and cleaned it up when picked one of the glass "Bomi!? What happened??!" He said "Chen ? Aa-hhh!" I said the glass cut my fingers I looked up to see Chen his eyes were wide he carried me bridal style so my feet does not touch the broken glass on the floor "Oppa I'm okay it's just that my hands are bleeding that's all..." I said "Jagiya your bleeding ! Reckless girl..!" He said while yelling worriedly.."mian.." I said "it's fine just be careful" he said after he was done taking care of it he kissed it my tip fingers...•////• I blushed he cleaned the glass on the floor and came to the couch "Saranghae Bomi"he said after he was done cleaning kissing the cuts AGAIN... I stared at him..after the 3sec silence "Jagiya it's alright you forgot your memories you don't have to say it to me as force but Saranghae.."He said he got up to go to the kitchen I ran up and backed hug him...."Oppa...Nado....Saranghae I mean it..! Just because I forgot my memories does not mean I don't have to listen to my heart of what I feel about you...!"I said he smiled and turned around and kissed me I have to tipi toed he hugged my waist and brought me closer *THUNG⚡️🌩* "Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" I said I went away from his lips and my arms around his neck brought me to his neck i snuggle in there I squint my eyes so hard I was scared!!!...."Jagiya?!!! You okay..??" He said we looked out side and saw rain it was raining I looked at the breakfast I made "let's eat" I said we sat down and then we ate 🍳🍞🐷🔥🍽.

We watched the rain on a balcony on the couch we intertwined hand so lovely dovey I thought, since it was cold a little I fell asleep on his shoulder...
"Who is there??" I said
"Remember Bomi! Im gonna kill you if you don't remember or your gonna hurt Chen if you don't get your memories back for him." Someone said in a threatening voice
"No it's not her fault Chen understand it takes time Bomi just stay and try your best even though you don't remember you can always make new memories!!" Someone said in a Worry voice..
"I don't know..."I said

"Chen!" I said *THUNG🌩🌧* "Jagiya what's wrong ??" He said worriedly "nothing Oppa mianhe...mianhe.." I said while mumbling clinging on him "it's okay my jagi~ the mighty Oppa is here !😊" he said I smiled and nodded "kombawo..."

It's been so long sorry school was so hard..!!! Even though it's short I'll try my best to make more lots of love 😘🤗😝

Unforgettable MemoriesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora