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     Running, always running

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Running, always running . That was all I could do. Run. I would run until my legs would stop moving and my lungs burst from my chest. Faster than lightning I attempted to run, but no matter how fast, it was still far too slow. I had no idea what I was running from but I knew that couldn't stop. The ground i ran on was shattering beneath my weight, and it was only a matter of time before the ground gave away and i fell down into the endless pit that awaited me. Sweat gushed from my body like a waterfall, and i knew it was either I fell down now and collapsed out of exhaustion or continued and faced whatever death I would encounter onward. Fear was the only thing propelling me to move. Although I ran like the wind, no matter how fast I ran, I could't outrun the beast that chased me, whatever it was. Each step I took was a choice, and I could feel the painful ache throb inside me every time I chose to move. My bare feet began to burn slightly and looking down, I could see the dim coals glow beneath me, burning my scarred feet. I could feel my feet burn, but there was nothing I could do to stop the pain but run faster. So run I did. Perhaps too fast, for I didn't even notice when I had ran out of ground to run on and was now airborne, plummeting down into the darkness and into the unknown... I could still feel the heat of the fire blazing around me, slowly eating my flesh. I could feel my heart beating from within my chest. One beat. Two beats. Three beats. Four beats. I tried as hard as I could to slow my heartbeat and calm myself down, but fear controlled my mind, and no amount of payment would ever give it back. It might have been an hour, or maybe just a few seconds before I could feel her body hit the cool surface. My body went rigid from the pain that engulfed me now. The only relief I felt was the cool water against my burnt and bloodied skin. But the relief did no last long. I could feel myself fall further underneath the surface. I tried hard to pull herself back to the top where she could breathe in air rather than water, but no amount of struggling would help her now. It was as though glass had been laid atop the surface of the water, leaving my screams and ability to leave the isolating tank of water, impossible. Even if I could get out of the water and swim up to the surface I didn't have the energy to do so. Slowly I could feel the water seep into me lungs and second by second, kill me. Knowing there was no way to escape I finally gave up. I let myself fall and sink further down, knowing that I would never make it out. I couldn't breathe. My lungs burned. My head throbbed. It was slow and sudden, the way I fell further and further. There was no escaping it now. Tilting my head up so that I was looking upward rather than downward to where death awaited me, I sucked in a big gulp of the muddy water and saw nothing... heard nothing... felt nothing... but pain.

I awoke with a gasp. The pain I felt only seconds before had vanished, but the fear had not. Looking at my surroundings I could see a small candle burning on my nightstand. I sat upright in my bed. It was just a dream I had to tell myself over and over again in order to calm my heartbeat. Feeling my face I could feel the tears that had trickled from my eyes caused by the nightmare I had just visited. It was the same every time, terrifying, but nonetheless, a dream. I could see the sun was now moving slowly from behind the vast clouds that charred the sky with blackness. A fresh morning breeze swept through the open window that young I had to wrap myself up in my blankets to keep from shivering. It might have been a minute or it might have been a hour. I had no idea how long it took me to catch my breath, but when I finally did I could now glimpse a small streak of light that reflected off of the bounding colors that illuminated my bedroom. A petrified cold wind now banged throughout the earth not daring to stop until it had yelled its cry loud enough for all to hear, But yet again, it was simply morning and when the sun had reached its destination the world would once again glimmer like a shinning lantern not fearful of showing its light. Slowly I got out of my bed and walked towards the medium sized mirror that rested in the corner of my room. I looked into the reflecting glass and saw to my disappointment the same blue eyes and dark wavy hair. It was the same reflection everyday although I kept looking as though hoping that one day I would see something else. What else, I had no idea, but the life I lived was far too dull to settle for average. Looking down at my neck I could see the medallion that hung around my neck. It seemed to be about the simplest thing in the room, but for some reason I couldn't bare taking it off. It was as if it were apart of me, just like a arm or a leg, and was not easily parted with. It was my mothers before she died and I felt strange without it on me. I made a secret agreement with myself to never take it off. Slowly I pulled myself away from my depressing image, stood up, and walked toward the chair that sat in the corner of my large room. I'd lived here my entire life, in the mansion that I call home. Although I hardly lived the typical life of a seventeen year old girl, I would't trade it for anything in the world. I loved sitting in the meadow and feeling the warm sun shine on my pale skin. I love my erratic father that's knowledge is only seen at the root of his being.

Resting gently on my rocking chair in the corner of my room, I could see out of the corner of my eye, the magnificent dress my servants had surely laid out for me this morning. It was white and flawless, studded when jewels and more elegant the clothing laid out for queens. It wasn't as though I wore clothes like this often. No, I only wore this fancy gown today because today was the 21st of Marcius. The day of Perfection as it was known in these parts. It was suppose to be the best day of the year. And there were many reasons that it as given such a title. Everything on the 21st was perfect. Literally. The world around us transformed into a new world almost as if it knew that today was meant to be celebrated. And perhaps it was. birthday. To say that I was thrilled for such a celebration was an understatement. I had been waiting for the third month of the year to arrive for what has felt like a long time. What with the nightmares that haunt my existence, it seems impossible for me to laugh at jokes that are hardly worthy of such an effort. I was happy because in just a few short hours I would forget all my worries for an entire day, and embrace the happiness of those around me.

Looking out the window now, I was shocked to see that the sun was already standing high in the sky. I could see the vast green mountains clearly now from where I stood, with the sun no longer hiding behind it's greatness. I was happy to get ready for the this day, but that did not change the fact that it was a pain to go through the process. After what felt like a while, I was finally somewhat presentable. The dress clung to my skin greedily and my hair hung gracefully in a braid that wrapped around my head and rested happily on my shoulder, studded with tiny little white flowers. When I looked in the mirror I wasn't overjoyed with my reflection, but it was doable and I would be able to live with it. Taking in a deep breath I tried to distract my thoughts and keep my mind from wandering, but it was hard. You would think that I would be good at keeping my fear under control with all the practice I have with it, but for some reason I seemed to fail at even the things I repeatedly exercised. If only I knew why I had such deathly nightmares, maybe I would be able to see the light at the end of my tunnel, but right now all I can see is utter darkness. It was useless to waste time trying to decipher the inevitable... Walking over to my nightstand, I stood over my candle, and slowly blew out the flames letting the light flicker back and forth before it's light was extinguished. I watched as the smoke slowly drizzled into the air and could smell the warm yet chilly feeling that now spread throughout the room. I watched for a moment, still feeling the fire burn underneath my feet, and than slowly rise upward as it did in the nightmare.

It seemed pointless though to wast over such things. So than. I left the room, leaving nothing but the ghost of my nightmare and the cold smell of smoke to drizzle into the heartless place that I called home.

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