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Watching her lick the white creamy substance off the side of her mouth she smiles as she lays inbetween my legs

"Daddy why cant i stay here with u"she ask

"Cause u cant"i mumble wiping her lips off from the ice cream i groan and stand i pick her up she wraps her arms around my neck tightly i breath

"Why daddy"she mumbles

"Cause u cant it aint safe"i whisper fixing my dick i carry her out to my car buckeling her, her warm body my fingers run across her skin

"Please daddy"she mumbles

"No"i say sternly i slide in my car letting the windows down and starting the car hearing it roar to life

"Daddy i have to stay with grandma"she ask

"Yeah baby stop asking questions"i say she sighs

Getting to her grandmas i hand her the bag and my daughter she smiles and shuts the door i get back in my car

"Daddy"she says through the phone

"Wats wrong"i ask her she sniffles

"I wanna be with u"she cries i turn around

"Stop crying"i say she stops i get there and get out walking in

"Ms.parker"i say walking further in she nods turning around

"Ima take chasidy"i say she nods walking to the back i follow walking to her room i sit on her bed she climbs in my lap straddling me

"U do this everytime baby"i mumble she frown she was only 4

"I wanna go with u"she says i nod getting her stuff together we walk out i strap her in pulling my pants down a little i get in

"Wassup"i mumble

"When u gonna come see your kids"shayla ask me i roll my eyes

"When i want to"i say clearly

"U havent been wanting to for the past 3 months come get them corion or im going to the fucking cops"she snaps i groan driving towards her house i didnt like my 1 and 3 year old like that i aint ever around them there just there, they know im there daddy

"Why it couldnt wait till tomorrow"i say walking in with chasidy in my arms

"Because there getting on my nerves take them"she snaps at me

"That aint my problem u wanted to keep them i told u to get an abprtion"i say

"Watever take them"she says i groan picking up

"Celina has a cold so here"she says i nod taking the medicine

"And carolina has a fever"she says handing me the diaper bag i had all girls and i didnt plan on having anymore kids actually

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