Chapter 8

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DongHyun's POV:-


What the heck? I'm talking and he's answering the phone?? Ok, My mistake! I was ABOUT to ask him what's going on with their marriage.

'Aniyo~Oppa can't come tonight...Oppa's brother-in-law is here.' he whispered slowly.

'Mianhei..Jebal Mianhei...'

'Arasso..Oppa will come tonight ok jagiya?' 

He then hung up the phone and faced me.

"So, what were you saying?" he asked me.

I glared at him in the eyes.

"What?"he asked me when I glared at him.

"Mwo? Nothing...I was just gonna ask, how's life going?"

"Err..Great..Everything is great.."

"You sure?"

"Y-yeah..Nothing's wrong with m- I mean our life...heheh"

"Hmm yeah, whatever..." I answered him and a took a slight glance at the clock.

What? It's 11 AM already?? I'm late for practice! Ottoke??

"Hyung?"MinHyuk called me.


"Waeyo?" he asked me.

"Nothing. JaeMin, lets go. I'm late already..." I called for JaeMin.

"Neh~"JaeMin came from the kitchen and went outside to start the car engine.

"Hyung, Do come here again."MinHyuk said and bowed when I was about to go.

MinHyuk's POV:-

"Hyung, Do come here again." I said to DongHyun hyung.

He just nodded and left the house.

I let out a light sighed.

When hyung was talking just now, MaeJin called me. She asked me if I want to go out tonight. But I rejected her offer because of JaeSoo. I can't let her stay here with JeongMin! But when MaeJin started to cry, I can't help but to accept her offer to meet at the usual place.

I know hyung might think that I have a secret girlfriend because I accidently said 'Oppa' in front of him just now. Argh! Forget it. I need to get some rest.

I opened the bedroom door and I headed to the bathroom.

When I opened the bathroom, I was shocked when I saw JaeSoo half naked in the tub! 

"Ahhh!!! Get out!!!" JaeSoo let out an ear piercing shriek.

"Omo! Mianhei, I didn't know you were here. Next time will you lock the door?"I told her. I can see her face blush like crazy.

And I can't deny that I like seeing her like tha-Wait a minute! Hang on there MinHyuk! Don't tell me you like seeing her half NAKED?? Oh my..My head is turning to a pervert now! -.-'' Somebody help me!!!

"MinHyuk?"a voice called me.

"Yeah? Oh you're done?"I said as I saw JaeSoo with a towel covering her whole body. And I can see that she's trying her best not to look at me. I can guess that she's still ashamed about what just happen.

"Uh-yeah.Y-you can use the bathroom now..."she said and rush to the wardrobe. 

When she turned around I gave a playful smile. Hey! I got this idea! Is it ok if I tease her? I've never done that to her..Hehe...

I walk to her and hug her back and kissed her neck.

I saw her face became pale and she started to tremble.

"M-MinHyuk...W-What are you doing?"she ask with a shaky voice.

"What? Can't I have a 'Lovey-Dovey' time with my wife?" I asked her seductively.

"L-Let me go!"she struggled from my hug.

"No. I won't." I replied and smirk.

"Please...Let me go!"She struggled again.

I turned her around and pinned her to the bed.  She's starting to struggle herself from me.

I don't know if I'm serious or not cause I think I want her really bad since she just bathe and she smell so sweet. (A/N: I can't believe I'm writing like this XDD Pervert MinHyuk XD)

'Oh~Those lips..They're Irresistable...'My head said. 

I touch her lips and was about to kiss it when...

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