Chapter 1-The First Letter

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I received a package in the mail, from I don't know yet. I'm sitting in my bed debating if I should open it or not. It was from an unknown address, so it could be like a bomb that someone put in there just to blow a random person up. I doubt that is the case though.

I decided I would open the package because it name on it, so obviously the person knows me, and is trying to contact me the old fashion way. I ripped off the packing tape that sealed the box shut. I muffled around with all four flaps of the box, and to my surprise I some how got the box open. There was a journal, a letter, and an envalope that was filled with so much stiff in it that it it was about to break.

I picked up the journal and it was brand new. It was never used, you could tell there was all the pages none of them were ripped out, and none of them were written on. I set the journal next to me on the bed and grabbed out the letter.


Dear Camilla

It has been forever I know and my phone broke along with the similar card so I couldn't contact you in anyway, atleast I remembered your address though which is a good thing

Ohh yeah and I forgot to tell you this is Louis. If you looked in the envalope first you might have already known that, but knowing you I know you would read this first. In fact I know you so well that when you read something and its in your hand, your hair makes a curtain around you and the thing your reading, which is probably happening right now. Ok that sounded creepy but whatever. I should probably get to the point of thus though, huh? So I got you a journal sent you a letter and gave you an envalope you still need to open, correct. Well I haven't forgotten about you and I hope you haven't forgotten about me, but just to make sure you haven't forgotten about me, or think that I have forgotten about you. So what I want you to do is stop reading this and open.s then envalope that looks like its about to explode. Continue reading after you looked through everything.


I stopped reading and set the letter in my lap. My hair was in a curtain around me and the letter, which was really weird, because Louis knew the exact thing I was doing.

I leaned over, tipped the box down so I could see the inside, I snatched the envalope up and out. I ripped the top off of the envalope to get inside, and what was inside made me curious and made my heart race. There were pictures and pictures of us. Me and Lou, I couldn't believe it. Tears slowly made there way down my face as I flipped through all the pictures. There were dozens of photos and each one had a new tear to go with it. I finally got to the last photo and saw Louis and his girlfriend Eleanor. I smiled at the picture. They looked so adorable and it was a picture I never saw before.

When I thought of how I never saw the picture of thoughs two I remembered I told Louis to send me a picture of him and Eleanor I never saw before. He told me he would the next time he saw her, but that was the same day his phone broke.

I set the picture in the pile of photos that was next to the journal. I picked up the letter once again and started to read the next paragraph.


Ok so I'm hoping you went through the envalope and saw all the pictures. Did you see the last one? You asked me to send you a pic of me and El, a pic you never saw. Well it might be to late, but there you have a picture of us. But now let me explain what everything is for. So the letter is to obviously inform you of everythng, but you can't reply to the letter because I will be long gone from that spot, because I have been traveling around the world you know. I know you would want to reply to me, but you sadly can't, so that is why I bought you that journal. If you want to reply to me just write in journal. And well the pictures are just memories, I have half of them and you now have the other half. I never knew we took so many pictures.

So how has life been? I've been really tired and barely have been able to squease in time forEleanor, since I dragged her along on tour with me. The fans have been really crazy lately, I thought I was going deff for awhile. The boys have been good and all that. Well Harry got mad at me for straitening his hair... again. Done interviews, blah.blah. blah. Blah. But what have you been up to?

P.S. you will receive 100 letters before I return and write in that journal. You might think sending my phone number to you is easier, because I got a knew one, but management wont let me unless its apart of my family and this is funner anyway.


Louis :)


My throat was becoming dry and tight, I was trying to hold in the tears, but failed the attempt. I set the letter on my bed and looked over at my end table by my bed, I was hoping to find a pen or pencil. I didn't see one, but I saw my backpack in the corner of my room and remembered I have a pencil box in there. I scrabbled off my bed and over to my bag.

Once I got a pencil I snatched the journal off my bed. I walked over to my desk and began to write in my new journal.


Dear Louis

Hey you know you aren't actual getting these letters, right? Well I don't care, I've reallly missed you, and that pic of you and El is so adorable! You two are such a cute couple, but look to much alike. Lol. Well I have been going to school trying to finish senior year. I came to your graduation so I really want you to come to mine, but you can't, which is sad. I wish you were here and things were like they were, when we were smaller, but things don't stay the same forever. Ohh and management can't control you like seriously your fandom over rules them so yeah. And leave Harry's hair alone garsh.

P.S. 100 letters are alot but we only have 99 more to go.




I closed the journal, and wiped away dry tears off my face. I picked up the pictures, the letter and the journal and put them all in the box and closed it. I put the box I. The corner of my desk to wait for tomorrow.

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