Chapter 2

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The sand was warm against her toes as she ran, her summer dress pressed against her legs as she ran with all her might. She could feel him getting closer and a fear gripped her throat, followed by a gitty laugh that bubbled up in her throat. He grabbed her around the waist, lifting her up off the ground before spinning her around and around and around. His laugh filled every inch of her with warmth as she spun.

Love flowed through her as his lips touched the side of her neck, and every inch of her wanted more. He was nearly twice her size. He could cocoon her in his arms and she would be completely gone from the world. She struggled in his grip to get away, laughing like a manic, at the unbelievable amount of joy she felt for him just being there. To exist in his world.

"You're cheating!" She howled as he rubbed his arms against her sides, making her wail with laughter as her sides were tickled.

"Subduing." He said kissing the space between her shoulder blades.

She went perfectly still as goosebumps broke out all over her skin. She had a weakness against his kisses on her back and he knew it! She leaned back to protect herself, knowing full well that if she let him continue she could be lost.

"You have too many unfair advantages!" Jemma shouted, struggling again, mostly for show, he was like a block of stone. A completely unfair block of stone.

"I can't help if my lips are helplessly attracted to your skin." His voice was heavy, and it made Jemma all but moan from anticipation.

He lifted her head back, kissing her as thoroughly as when he chased her and she turned into his embrace. She could hear the ocean and smell the saltwater but everything else was entirely focused on him. He was her everything, every joy she experienced seemed to pale compared to their love and she never wanted to let go.

When she felt his grip loosen she quickly slipped from his hold and dashed off down the shoreline, yelling over her shoulder, "Catch me if you can!"

"Come back you little minx!" She heard him yell over the sound of the crashing wave.

Her eyes opened as someone shook her awake. She blinked a few times and realized that she was crying. Hastily she wiped her tears away as she looked up at an older woman with a sweet face. She looked so sad that Jemma felt suddenly embarrassed for losing her composure in her sleep.

"Are you all right dearie?" The old woman said keeping a reassuring hand on Jemma's shoulder.

"Yes," Jemma reached into her purse and pulled out a tissue, "So sorry to disturb you, I was dreaming."

"A very sad one?" The old woman said taking her seat across from her. Jemma hasn't noticed, but he old woman had been using her umbrella as a cane.

"A very happy one," Jemma said with a smile, "One of the happiest days of my life actually."

"However, could it make you cry then?" She asked. Her face set in a curious, but open expression.

"It was the day before my fiancé proposed," she made a strained smile before looking down into her hands, while her fingers played with the handkerchief, "He left."

"Oh dear, he was a very stupid man for doing so," she patted Jemma's knee compassionately, "My name is Mary Kennis and we girls must stick together."

"I am sorry, Mrs. Kennis, you misunderstand," Jemma said. She bit her bottom lip a second before continuing, "I didn't say it very clearly, it is just very hard for me to get use to the idea. You see he didn't leave me willingly, he died."

The old woman's face was instantly set in a surprised and slightly embarrassed face. "I didn't know, oh dearie me, I am so very sorry miss." She averted her eyes in shame for a minute.

"It was my mistake. Please to meet you Mrs. Kennis, my name is Jemma Turner," extending her hand she smiled politely, "Please call me Jemma."

"Jemma Turner?" Mary said with a surprised look as she took Jemma's offered hand, "I knew I had seen your face before! Your father is Ezera Turner, owner of Turner Transportation."

"I am surprised I was that memorable." Jemma laughed at the thought.

She was the oldest of her two brothers and hardly in the limelight. Her youngest brother owned a big IT company, and was a millionaire and the other brother was a politician. Between her brother's and her father, her family had more than enough public attention for the entire family. She wanted none of it.

"I read about your fiancé in the paper," Mary said shaking her head, "A shame that he had to die so young and in such a tragic way. My grandson has a company of his own, and uses your father's company for international shipping. That is why I am familiar with your family."

"I am sorry, I don't know anyone with the last name Kennis. Then again I hardly deal with my father's company." Jemma admitted, she loved her father dearly, but his company was not a part of her life. Only he was.

"My daughter married into the McManis family, my grandson's name is Eric McManis." She looked proud and so she should be.

It was Jemma's turn to be surprised, "Your grandson is the Eric McManis? Owner of that famous winery, and diplomat to Italy?"

"One and the same, so you have met him?" Mary exclaimed with excitement.

"I am afraid I have not," Jemma was stunned, what were the odds of meeting someone she was so closely associated to, what a small world, "My father speaks highly of him, says he is an excellent business man. He fancies the wine your grandson sells."

"High praise coming from your father," Mary said with a chuckle, "He is quite successful himself."

"Yes he is, I am very proud of my family," Jemma said and then she remembered him.

It was like she couldn't think his name; it was hard for her to even say it out loud. She couldn't even admit what had happened to him aloud, it would mean it really happened and she couldn't ignore it. Normally Jemma was the one to take things head on. Not aggressively just directly dealing with whatever was before her. This wasn't something she could deal directly with, and instead of attempting to, she chose to ignore it.

"As you should be, I have three daughters, and all of them married and have children. I have more grandbabies then I can handle. Eric has two sisters, and they are the small family. My Jessica has 5 children, three boys and two girls. They live in Europe though." Mary chatted not noticing that Jemma was unusually quiet. She just filled the silence with talk of her children and her children's children. Enough that soon Jemma had a moment where she wasn't left to her solemn internal conversations.


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