Chapter Five: Arrangement....

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Akia nod I'm understanding. "Do you mind telling me who you laid with?" For some odd reason, Akia sensed it was someone she met.

"I-I am ashamed to say."

Once again, Akia nod in understanding. "I will tell Princess Fran you are ill."

Anna's eyes lighted up. "Thank you Akia. You are a true saint."

Akia did not say anything else to the non-pure lady. Instead she walked out the wooden door, back to the royal hall where she saw King Theo and Prince George discussing arrangements for this afternoon.

The princess of Spain is arriving to meet her future husband and King to discuss the wedding. Akia did not favor the day nor did Theo. The both know deep down it is terrible idea to marry another, but it's best for the kingdom and their family. Before Theo can make eye contact with Akia, she walked inside the princess chambers.


"All bow for Princess Sophia!" A man yelled as the princess of Spain stepped off her carriage. Of course the princess was very different from young Akia; tall, thin, elegant, full of confidence and strength. A perfect queen for the king.

King Theo stood with power and hope. Hope that the woman he actually wanted to marry would run to him and stop the arrangement, to kiss him in front of everyone and prove that she is a suitable queen.

Unfortunately Akia did no such thing. She bowed to the future queen and kept her mouth shut and stood behind Princess Fran as Sophia walked passed them and stepped in front of Theo with a slight smile.

"King Theo." Sophia addressed the stiff King and extended her hand.

Theo placed his lips on Sophia's cold and rough hand. "Princess Sophia, welcome to my kingdom. Hopefully you will love the visit."

"Yes.." Sophia eyed him. "I hope I will. I also hope you will consider the arrangement.. For our kingdoms, of course."

No, I will not marry you. Theo wanted to say, but instead he nod. "Yes. Please, let's go inside."

"Dirty wrench." Princess Fran bickered once she stepped inside her safe from ears room. The three ladies including Akia grasped at the Princess choice of words. "I do not like her, she will ruin this kingdom." Fran huffed and flopped on her comfy bed. "And to stare at her face for hours made me sick." She admits.

"Princess Fran, please calm down." Bella said in a soothing voice.

"Bella is right Princess, you do not want to get worked up." Lucy said before stepping to the fussy Princess that was cursing the new queen under her breath.

Akia did not know what to do. She would curse the queen, but she knew better not to and stay quiet as a cold woman marry a man she has feelings for deep down. Thinking about it made Akia as well fussy and irritated.

Why did I not say yes? Akia thought as her fist gripped her dress.

"Leave me." Fran's demand kicked Akia out of her thoughts and her legs to move towards the doorway and out into the hall with Lucy and Bella behind her.

"She is upset." Bella stated.

"Of course the princess is upset, she is worried about her brother and the kingdom. Since she dismissed us, we can have supper. I am famished."

Akia stared down the hall at the King's door that opens to his chambers. She can still feel the silk sheets on her. If Akia has eaten that day, would the king still have feelings for her. Or would he think her as a common servant. Akia was the damsel and distress. Even if she has eaten that day, the king would still notice her beauty and innocence. Nothing would have changed.

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