The Party

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Authors Note

OK Lucaya shippers... Pay attention! 

There's gonna be some Lucaya feels here so Luvs ya!


Maya's POV

We walked down the stair case. A little description to help you visualize it. It was a gold spiral stair case with little breaks in the railing at every floor, engraved in the railing were the gods symbols. It was breath taking. It was Olympus Academy so I figured as much. Riley bounced down the stairs, Haze behind her and me in the very back. Some other girls were on the stairs but we ignored them. On the last step I finally felt a little wave of nervousness. I quickly shook it off. Riley linked in my right arm and Haze in my left. We walked in the halls heading to the diamond door that lead to the courtyard. "Ready for the first night of the rest of our lives?" Riley asked and I nodded, sucking in a deep breath. We pushed open the door and saw the lights flashing.

Purple,blue,green,red, and orange lights blinded me. Music was blaring, the song at the moment was one I wrote, Eyes Wide Open. I tried to sink everything in. I was frozen, Riley was smiling.  I saw ranger rick and Farkle staring at us from across the room.

Lucas' POV

Farkle and I were at the fountain in the middle of the room. The girls had just walked in. My jaw was slightly dropped and my eyebrows were raised. She- I mean they, looked awesome. Farkle nudged me but I was in thought. Was it wrong? That I like her? Maya's mother walked to them and shook her head. Suddenly a cloud of pink smoke surrounded them. When the smoke cleared, Maya, Haze, and Riley weren't wearing the same clothes as before. Hell they looked nothing like themselves, but still jaw-dropping. Riley was wearing a light lilac knee length dress. It was simple, I guess it looked good but I didn't think Riley was all that pretty in it. Haze was wearing an electric blue and black dress. It was the same length. These weren't the ones I loved, the one I did was Maya's. It was pink, Aphrodite's color, the top was bejeweled . Sure it had a high neckline, but her hair fell perfectly with it. It went to her mid-thigh. I loved it. She had a little bit of make up on but in all honesty it took away. 

She walked towards us with a smile on her face, her ocean blue eyes danced in the light. Everyone tried to shake me from my trance but Maya's voice was the only one to do it "Hey Buck McBiong Biong? Wanna dance?" She asked. I shook the dumb-struck expression off my face. "Yeah, Er sure." I said. Maya Hart asked me, Lucas friar, to dance! As we walked to the dance floor, her father jumped in front of us. "Sir." I said to him, hoping my voice wasn't breaking. "My Ocean dove, Care to dance?" He asked. His ocean dove? What the- Oh! I'm smart. (Not really) He didn't wait for her answer he just took her arm and pulled her. Her blond hair flew behind her, she looked back and mouthed "Sorry, I'll get you next." I nodded and turned back to the group. "Riley, Care to dance?" She blushed and nodded. Sadly, the song changed to a love song. I thought about faking something, I didn't want to dance with Riley to begin with but with it being a slow song, it would be worse. I decided against it, Riley was sweet. She put her hands around my neck and I put my  on her waist. I saw Maya dancing with her father. He spun her around. She was laughing. Her eyes were lit.Even though she looked happy I could tell she wasn't. A boy, Josh, the one she was all ga-ga over last night walked to her father. "May I cut in?" I heard him say. No. No! I won't let Maya dance with him! \

He took her hand and they danced for three more songs. He leaned in...

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