Save Me (A Gerard Way Fanfiction)

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I ran down the dark alleyway, trying to avoid my psychotic father. My bare feet being cut up by glass and plastic on the dirty New Jersey streets. The cold wind and rain was seeping through my pajamas and my bangs clung to my face. I heard my father's drunken shouts from behind me

"Brynn, sweetheart! Come to daddy!" I could hear him gaining on me, and ignoring the pain in my feet I started to sprint down the alleyway, tears streaming down my cheeks along with my own blood that was coming out of the gash on my forehead that my father had given me. I dodged behind a dumpster at the last minute just before a large brick wall that would've enclosed me with him.

"Here Bry Bry, come home sweetheart!" My father slurred. I held my breath in an attempt to try and not make any noise, and after about 10 minutes I heard him shuffle away, finally giving up on me.

That was when I allowed myself to cry.

The sobs racked my body as I thought about the events of that night.


          "BRYNN!" I heard my father call from the kitchen. He was obviously drunk. I reluctantly got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen.

"Yes, Sir?" I asked my father. I didn't dare say "What?" or "What's up, Dad?" like normal teenage girls would do. I know that if I did,  I would surely get beaten.

"What the hell is that?" My father asked. I followed his arm all the way to his index finger which was pointing at a single china plate sitting in the sink.

Crap. I forgot to wash that one.

"I'm sorry, sir. I must've forgotten that one." I said, looking down at my bare feet.

"FORGOT?!?!" My father boomed. I winced as he screamed at me, still looking down at my feet.

"What do you mean you FORGOT?!?" My father asked again.

"I mean, I forgot to wash it after I ate dinner, sir." I said, tears springing into my eyes. Before I knew it, my father was heading towards me with the plate in his hand, raised up near his head. I slammed my eyes shut as the plate came crashing down on my head, a piece of it cutting my skin just above my eyebrow. The tears started to flow freely as he took my wrists and threw me into the island. I landed on the ground with a sharp thud and he started to kick me in the side. Then, he pulled me up by my hair and shoved my head into the cabinet, repeatedly slamming the door against it. With each blow I cried out, but that only seemed to provoke him further. My father took an empty beer bottle from the island and broke it against the wall, picking up a rather large piece and coming towards me with it. I screamed as the ripped my shirt off of my body and begun to slice open my skin with the glass. As soon as I got the oppurtunity, I kneed him where the sun don't shine and jumped up, grabbing my hoodie from the hook on the way out and zipping it up so that my bare flesh wasn't showing and I just wasn't running around the city at 10 PM with nothing but my bra on. I heard my father begin to chase me through the streets, finally chasing me into an alley where I proceeded to hide behind a dumpster.


The blood from the wounds on my stomach began to soak through my white sweatshirt and my head was killing me, but I didn't care. I continued to sob. That was until I heard someone speak up from the alleyway.

"Hello?" a male voice said.

Oh God.



Yay! First Gerard fanfiction FTW!!!


Hehe, puns.

Tell me what you think so far, who do you think the guy in the alley was?

Alright, it might be obvious... but this is the only way to get you guys to respond to my stories!

AnyWAY, (hehe, I still find that funny) Please like, fan, vote, add...

Make me some cookies? cuz i like REALLY want cookies right now.


Love you all my little psychopaths.

Okay, that nickname isn't working...

Oh! I know! Leave some cute pet names for you guys in the comments!

AnyWAY (I dont think thats ever gonna get old) LOVE YOU! No, not the person standing next to you, YOU.



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