Adjust Your Mindset

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If it's been weeks, months, or even years since you broke up with your ex-boyfriend, but all you can do is think of all the fun times you had together or wish you were still in his arms, then it's time to take some serious action to forget your ex so you can go back to enjoying your life. If you want to forget about your ex-boyfriend, then you have to cut all ties with him, enjoy living your own life, and learn to stop comparing every guy you meet to your old flame. If you want to know how to do it, just follow these steps

Method One of Four:
Adjust Your Mindset


Give yourself time to grieve. It's okay to make time for a mourning period -- don't think that you need to rush back into all of your usual activities, immediately hang out with your friends, and do exactly what you always did right after your break-up. If you don't make time to be alone or with a close friend, to cry, and to reflect on everything that happened, it'll actually keep you from getting closure and forgetting your ex.It's natural to be sad and mopey for a while. Don't be in denial about how much you've been hurt.If you want to be left alone for a little while, let your friends and family know so they can give you space. Just don't be left alone fortoo long or you may indulge in your sad feelings


Don't think about the great times you had. You can reminisce about these once you've moved away from everything else that reminds you of him; eventually, they will be fond memories, but right now they're just going to make you feel sad and lost. Try to avoid daydreaming or recounting some of the amazing days you spent together.You may be able to appreciate those special moments in the future, once you've gained some perspective, but not now.


Remind yourself why it ended. Instead of thinking about how great your relationship was, think back to all of the bad moments you shared, and remember all the reasons why the relationship didn't work. Remember the fights, the incompatibility, or any of the reasons why your relationship ended. Though you may miss him, keep telling yourself why it wasn't meant to be.Though you shouldn't obsess over all of the bad times you had, you can conjure a bad moment any time you catch yourself having warm and fuzzy feelings about your ex.


Don't blame yourself. It's natural to reflect on the relationship and the things that went wrong, but don't waste your time trying to blame yourself for what happened. Even if you feel that you did something or acted in a way that made your ex want to end the relationship, don't think about how you could have acted different. Accept that it's over and that there's nothing you can do to turn back time.Letting go of your regret is a big step towards forgetting your ex. If you're obsessing over what could have been or what should have happened instead, you'll be too wrapped up in the past to think about the future.


Think about all of your good qualities.Make a list of what you love about yourself. When you are done with that list, make another one of all the bad qualities of your ex. Look at both of them and let yourself draw the conclusion that he doesn't deserve you, and that your separation was necessary. You will have more self-confidence knowing that your ex is really a jerk or a pig. You will be thankful that you broke up with someone that has the qualities that make him an unfit boyfriend.Making a list of all the things you love about yourself will also help you develop confidence,which is exactly what you need when you're going through a break-up.


Try to be positive. Though maintaining a positive attitude may sound like the last thing you want to do, if you focus on the silver lining in the break-up, you'll be able to enjoy your life more quickly and to adjust your perspective. Catch your negative, whining, or doom-laden thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts about the things in life you're looking forward to, the pleasure you take from your friends and family, and all of the reasons why there's hope ahead.Any time you catch yourself having a negative thought, try to counter it with two positive thoughts.Spending time with positive people will also help you feel more positive. Seek out the people who make you feel good about yourself and the world.Make a list of all of the things you're grateful for. This will make your world seem a lot less bleak

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