Why must it hurt

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I ran out the door and down stairs. Tears ran down my face. I ran through the living room and out the front door. I changed forms and kept running into the woods. I stopped and climbed the nearest trees and sat there. I didnt notice that Amy was following me. She climbed up after me and hugged me tight. "Cheyenne....Whats wrong?" "My heart feels like its shattered.." tears still ran down my face. Amy whipped away somw tears. "Sister im sorry but please dont cry over Jeff remember he hurt you the first time and he almosted kill me." I nodded and looked at her. We stayed there and relaxed and talked. Slendy appeared in front of us and told us we had to go home. I looked at Slendy and whipsered for him to meet me in his office. He nodded and disappeared. Masky and Jeff both looked at me and my heart was ripped agian. Tears ran down my face as I took off for Slendys office. I opened and slamed the door shut. Slendy and my farther was in the room. "Hello Cheyenne. Slendy said you are hurt and crying. Whats wrong?" I ran to my daddy and hugged him tight and told what Jeff said and that my heart and mind was confused. He hugged me tight and rubbed my back. There was a knock on the door. "Who is is?" "Its Masky...is Cheyenne in there? I need to find her and speak to her." I looked at Slendy and told to say no. "No Masky she isnt in here. Go ask Amy okay." "Yes sir." I looked at Slendy. "Slendy I want to learn how to bring people back to life." My dad looked lost. "Sweety, you havent unlocked that power yet." "No father....That is why I want to learn." Slendy and my dad explain that they would both help all they can but I would have to go to Japan and learn the rest from my dads close friend. I agreed and all three of us agreed that I would leave in a week for Japan. I walked out of Slendys office with my dad by me. "Cheyenne, can we talk?" "Sure daddy. What about though?" Before he could say Tody ran up to me and hugged me and spun me around. "Omg I missed you sooo much never leave again okay never never never again you hear!!!!" I looked at my dad and told hom we would talk later. He agreed and left. I looked at Toby and lead him to the nearest closet. "Toby I am leaving in a week for Japan." "What.....nooooo I just got you back." He poutned and crossed his arms. I told him I would be back. Toby looked at me and placed a hand on my cheek and leaned in. I was scared........what do I do???? Toby leaned in closer and kissed me softly. I kissed back, I felt so warm near him. But what about Masky and Jeff.......ugghhhh I feel dirty as fuck..........

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