“So that thing was to… protect me?”


“er…okay.” So my boyfriend gave me a necklace filled with water used to carry the souls of dead people . Not sure how I feel about that, I guess I could have gotten a worse gift right? He said it was for my protection…

When Ethan was done he put the bowl down and then his head snapped to the side. In a burst of that reapers black smoke he disappeared only to reappear on the other side of the church, bending down and snatching something that was on the ground so fast his movements where a blur. Then he disappeared and reappeared in the centre of the church and when I looked closer at what he was holding I couldn’t help but ask,

“What are you doing with that rat?” The creature squeaked and wriggled in an effort to get away.

 “I’m going to bring something dead back, so I need to trade it with something living.” I stared at him for a full minute hoping I didn’t hear him right,

“Y-you don’t mean to tell me that you’re going to kill that thing, like as in sacrifice it…here…in a church.” I finally asked after it was obvious he wasn’t going to explain further.

“Of course not, I’m just going to take it over to the land of the dead, leave it there and take something of there’s in return. A trade.”

“Seriously? Are you going to bring back a rat ghost or something?” Van asked sounding skeptical.

“Maybe, we’ll see. I have to do this now. Remember what I said, no matter what you hear don’t open that door and for the love of God, don’t go outside, don’t even look outside. Just stay in the middle until I get back. That seal should hold until then, but if you open a window or that door then you break the seal and we’re as good as dead. Got it?” He asked and when we both nodded, then without another word he sat down, closed his eyes, cradling the rat in his lap, with his hands over it and then he was in a trance.

Van and I sat with our backs pressed against each other, we had each gotten a weapon while Ethan was out, I had a candle snuffer and Van had a hook, which I think, they’d used to open the out of reach windows.  I know Ethan said that the seal should hold until he’s well, out of his trance state, but we weren’t taking any chances. We were jumping at every sound, every time there was a scratch at the window, every shadow that moved. We just felt safer with some kind of a weapon close by.

I glanced over at Ethan; he had been like that for a while now. I loosened my grip on the snuffer, transferring it to my other hand. My hand was numb from holding it so tightly.

“How much longer is he going to sit like that?” Van asked glancing over at Ethan.

“I don’t know but I hope he snaps out of it soon. I’m not sure my nerves can handle any more of this.”
”I wonder if he’s sleeping, letting us keep watch?”

“Van seriously, I don’t think-“

“Violet, Violet help me.” Both Van and I jumped up.

The Reaper's Keeper (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now