#21, Christmas time

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, yeah, now go before I freeze to death!" Tamira waved off her mother, escorting the woman out the door of Neymar's home, where Pai was already waiting for her to finally be done talking to her daughter as if she were a teenager incapable of taking care of herself.

A quick goodbye kiss on the cheek, a shove and Emilia was out the door, which closed behind the older woman's perplexed face, shutting the cold air out once again.

"Well, let the fun times begin!" Emma shouted excitedly, a huge grin on her face. Then the black girl went back into the living room, where Neymar and Davi were playing with - what else - dinosaurs. Honestly, this kid was going to become Ross Gellar when he grew up if Neymar wasn't careful.

"Yay," Tamira replied dryly, missing her best friend's enthusiasm. She sighed heavily as she dragged herself back to where the fun times apparently were going to begin.

Too bad that neither Gil nor Rafaella were there - Gil was home in Brazil, visiting his own family of course, and Rafaella was spending the holidays with her mother and apparently had already made plans with friends for New Years. Which meant that apart from Emma and Davi, every possible puffer between Tamira and Neymar was either on another continent or spending some romantic days in the snowy mountains around Barcelona.

"Okay then," Emma said, clapping her hands as she looked from Neymar, to Tamira, to Davi and back to Tamira. Who raised an eyebrow in question. "I'm off. See you later!"

"What?" Tamira exclaimed, jumping up from where she had just sat down on the couch. "I thought you said something about fun times beginning!"

Emma grinned. "Sure I did. Didn't mean they'd be here!" She winked at her best friend. "I'm hoping to get that duck back from you tonight! Later, guys!" With that, she disappeared from the room, her footsteps echoing through the house as she ran upstairs, probably on her way to get some stuff before leaving.

Damn, Tamira thought, after trying and failing to convince her best friend to stay while she got ready in the upstairs bathroom. This can't be happening to me!

She groaned as the front door for the second time tonight closed behind one member of her family. She refrained from letting out the curses on the tip of her tongue as she begrudgingly made her way back to the living room. Seeing Neymar still in the middle of playing with his son, Tamira came to the conclusion that she had to make the best of this new situation. This wasn't going to be a problem, she resolved. They were two adults, they acted civil toward one another for quite some time already. They would survive a night alone together.

A flashback from their make-out session irritated the hell out of her and Tamira vehemently shook her head. This wasn't helping!

Damn you, Emma! You totally made this on purpose!, Tamira thought.

"I should have seen this coming," she finally said, and she couldn't help but chuckle softly at the weird situation she found herself in. "She never wears that much make-up at home. And that was before she made herself ready upstairs!"

Neymar scoffed, not at all surprised by Emma's exit, which was why he continued to juggle with a few of Davi's smaller dinosaur figures completely unperturbed. "Yeah, I heard her on the phone making plans with Rafa earlier."

Tamira rolled her eyes. "Of course she did."

"Mira, you can play this dinosaur!" Davi picked the red dino from the three figures that Neymar was juggling with, earning an indignant "hey!" from his father and soft laughter from Tamira.

It had become a weird sort of game for the boy ever since their move-in only two days ago - so they'd already survived a night under the same roof. Mind you, there had been other adults present, but what difference did it make that they were alone tonight? Davi was distracting everyone in any case. The boy obviously enjoyed the additional play mates - especially Tamira. Whenever Neymar would juggle with something, Davi would get one item and give it to her, giggling with joy and making warm smiles appear on the adults faces.

Tamira didn't really mind, mostly because it helped cover up the awkwardness that was her and Neymar.

Well, until now, that was, painfully aware of the fact that, thanks to Emma's hasty exit, her and Neymar really were going to be completely alone with each other. As soon as Davi was going to be in bed. Dear Lord. Now what to think of this new possibility of her and Neymar being alone for the next few hours? They'd never really been alone, not ever since that... well... make-out session that they both pretended hadn't ever happened in the first place. The thought made her nervous. What if things got awkward? The house was big enough to go out of each other's way, right?

But wouldn't that totally give her away? They'd agreed the kisses hadn't happened - so why make a big deal out of being alone together? There was no need to be nervous, was there?

Tamira felt her heart beat quicken at the thought. Where would all that nervous energy flow?

Right. Between the two of them. Tamira sighed heavily. Again, don't go there!, she reminded herself. You can't let him see how that time on the ship has affected you! Nobody can know!

Which was what she kept telling herself, kept telling Emma and Alexia, who both had tried to make her admit that she had feelings for the Brazilian. Now why would they think that? Just because they'd made out drunkenly? Let's be real people, that hadn't had to do anything with feelings!

Tamira nodded her head, taking the dino from Davi. She slung her arms around her frame, feeling the chill seep through the layers of clothing she wore. Even her toes were growing cold, even though she wore fuzzy and thick bright orange socks which Neymar had made fun of when he'd first seen them.

"Okay, let's play!" she said, offering the boy a bright smile, when everything in her screamed to run for cover and hide until Emma got back.

"I'll just get my Lego car," Davi announced, letting go of his Rex as he ran to the corner, leaving two confused adults behind. Why he would need a car for playing with dinosaurs only the little boy knew.

"So," Neymar said, clapping his hands as he broke the awkward silence between them. If that was going to be the rest of the evening, so help him God, he would lock himself up in his room like a pouting teenager. "What's up with the duck thing? I keep hearing about it."

Tamira cleared her throat, uncomfortable with the question, especially with who it came from. "Uhm, it's nothing. Just a game between Emma and I."

Neymar's eyebrow rose as he looked at her. "How come I've heard Rafa talk about it then the other day at practice?"

Dear Lord. Did her face grow red? Because her cheeks certainly started to burn. "I don't know what you're talking about," she quickly said.

"The duck thing-" Neymar started to say, then his eyes widened, followed by a huge grin. "That's some kinky stuff, isn't it?" His voice was a whisper, so that Davi wouldn't hear them. But the boy was still preoccupied with finding that car in the huge box in the corner, apparently content with looking around for now.

"I'm not going to talk to you about this," Tamira said sternly. "Anyone want some tea? I'm gonna make some tea. I'm a bit cold." She stood up, brushed off her clothes and made for the door, ignoring the fact that she really wasn't feeling chilly anymore. Quite the contrary.

Neymar laughed. "It's kinky stuff."

"It's not!" Tamira shouted over her shoulder.

"Oh my God, you're blushing! It totally is kinky stuff!"

"What's kinky stuff?" Davi asked, leaving Neymar flustered and Tamira grinning widely as she made her way to the kitchen.


We're back!!! And with a bang :D So sorry for the long wait, but I hope the situation the two find themselves in makes up for it! :) What do you think will happen between the two of them?? Will something happen, at all? Or are they too scared to take advantage of the situation they find themselves in?

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Who's going to watch the Champions League match tonight? Bate vs. Barca - can't wait to see how they'll do! :)

All the best!


Published on: 20 October 2015

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