Chapter One: It Begins

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Chapter One

Christina POV

I walk down a dirt path in the wood moving cautiously trying my hardest not make any unnecessary noises. A strong gust of wind suddenly come causing me to shiver as the jacket I wear is doing absolutely nothing to keep me warm. I can already tell that it is going to be a harsh winter by the how quickly the climate is changing.

You must be thinking why does it matter how cold the winter is going to be? Why don't you just wear a warm jacket? How about you just go home and sit by the fire with a blanket around?

I wish I could too.

But it's not that simple. I can never go home again.

You see I wasn't kicked out of my home for being a bad kid or anything. No. It's not that simple. Around three years ago something terrible happened. No one  knows quite how it started, but I've heard some crazy theories. Well. I guess they're not that crazy considering what happened. Three years ago the people that died didn't stay dead.

Now you must be think I'm the crazy one and believe three years ago I would have agreed with you. Now. At the ripe age of seventeen. I'd call you stupid for not believing what was right in front of you.

At the time I was only a fourteen year old kid walking home from school when shit hit the fan. I had been staying late to help decorate for my school's winter formal and I didn't live too far from school so it wasn't a big issue. Now I wish I had never left my house that morning. I ran home as quickly as I could as the night approached rapidly. My plan had been to eat dinner and rush through my homework before going to bed. When I reached my house I was shocked to find it empty no sign of my siblings or parents anywhere. My first instinct was to call my dad on the house found, but when I did all I heard was static. Then out of nowhere the house shook and I could make out what sounded like an explosion. Confused I ran to the window only to see the terrifying sight of fire and destruction. Mortified I ran up to my room to hide until my family returned. They never did.

I have no clue what happened that day, but I have not stopped looking for them since and I am not planning on giving up any time soon.

Carl POV


The sound of my name shifted my attention from my work to the sound of the voice. Knowing it's my dad I  look at him and reply with "Yes, dad?"

"Me and Glenn are going on a run into town and I need you to keep an eye on Judith while I' away." He says authoritatively, "I ask give it to Carol, but she has the night watch shift."

Despite being annoyed about learning this last minute, I simply nod my head at his request and continue on with my work. I know arguing with my dad will get me nowhere.

After finishing up my work, I walk out of the cell block into the yard and look over the field. Daryl and Maggie, with a few other people, are looking over all the weapons and ammunition. We've been running low on bullets for months now and everyone is starting to get worried. I suspect that's why my dad and Glenn have been going out on more runs recently going farther and farther each time. I don't know how much longer we can stay here before it becomes too dangerous. I realize I'm losing focus and quickly snap out of it and continue my survey of the yard.

Towards the farming area we have created, Hershel and Beth are over looking a few of the new animals that were recently discovered. Everything seems a little off and then I realize Judith is nowhere to be seen. I begin to worry and head toward farm to see if Beth knows who she is with currently, but before I can get there I see an all too familiar little girl on the other side of the prison fence. Immediately, I begin racing over to the gate to get her back inside when I walker coming behind. I open the gate and rush to help her. But before I can get to her she screams and runs into the forest.

Christina POV

As I walk I hear the sound of a little girl's scream and begin rushing towards it. There is a high chance that this could be a trap, but I would never be able to forgive myself if it wasn't and I let that kid die.

When I finally located the source of the scream I see a girl who is no more than three year olds. Two dead things are after chasing her and she is running as fast as her legs can carry her. I pull out a knife and put it into the head of the one closest to me. Then quickly turn kicking the other one away from the kid and jabbing the knife into its skull.

Then I squatted to the little girl's level.

"Hey, are you okay? No scratches or anything?" I say in a quiet voice. She nods obviously shaken up. "Are your people near by?"

"Y-yes." She stutters fear heavily present in her voice.

"Can you tell me your name, please?"


"That's such a pretty name. Okay, Judith, why don't we-." But I was cut off by a man's voice before I could finish.

"Who the hell are you? And why are you with my little sister?"

"She was about to be attack by those dead guys over there, and I thought she could use a little bit of help." I say not really appreciating the rude tone. I turn to see an attractive looking guy who appears to be about my age maybe older. He had long brown hair and wearing what looks like a cowboy hat. His blue eyes catch my attention. I've never seen eyes like that before. They look like they've seen thing and have secrets. What secret could you have?

"Well, I guess I owe you an apology and a thank you. Then I'll just take my sister and leave."

"Okay." I say and turn to walk away but he stops me.

"Are you on your own?" He ask.

"Isn't that obvious?"

He stops and thinks for a moment before saying, "How many walkers have you killed?"

Walkers? Oh, that's probably what he calls them. Better that dead things. I stare a him for a moment then reply,

"Too many count."

"How many people have you killed?"

"One." I whispered looking at the ground.


I look up at him, "So they wouldn't turn."

He nods and appears to be contemplating my words. Then he sticks his hand out to me and says, "I am Carl. Carl Grimes."

"Christina." I reach out and shake his hand. Man this is really weird.

"What? No last name?" He says with sly smirk on his face.

"In case you hadn't noticed last names aren't really important anymore Grimes."

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