Chapter 41- Relationship or ?

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*hey I'm not dead guys ;)

Hayes POV:

Its been a few days since Kian and the others left back home and we miss them like crazy. Although we're going back home to NC in a few days, I mean I really miss home and so do the others.

Now me, Livy, Kae and Brent were all cuddled on the couch watching horror movies. The girls were both screaming when things popped up making us boys laugh, glad that it was just us four in the place.

"Hayes" Livy quietly whispered quietly putting her head on my chest.

"What bub" I smiled at her kissing her nose.

"Can we go to bed please" she had a slight whining tone in her voice.

"Could we just watch the rest of the movie babe then we can go get ready" I begged hoping that she'd lie with me for another five or ten minutes.

"Well you can watch the rest of the movie and I'll go get ready" she sighed kissing me on the cheek, quickly getting up and making her way to our room. I sighed knowing she might be a bit tired and grumpy now..

Livys POV:

I walked to mine and Hayes room, rummaging through the draws for my pyjamas. I may seems like I'm over exaggerating but Hayes has started to get distant ever since Kian left. It's kind of been bugging me a lot.

I let that slip my mind and started to get changed. I took off my uncomfortable clothing and replaced them with a large baggy tie-dye shirt and my Nike pros.

After making my way to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. I brushed my hair through and put it into a French braid, them removing my makeup and brushing my teeth.

Once I was done I checked to see if Hayes had come down, to my disappointment he hadn't. I thought I better wait up for him just a bit longer.

It's been half an hour now and he's still not back.

I could hear footsteps coming down the hall but it was only Brent and Katie.

"Hey Liv you okay ?" Kae said standing in the door with Brent by her side.

"Yea I'm fine, I'm just waiting for Hayes to come to bed" I faked a smile at the both of them.

"I'll go check on what he's doing hold on" Brent grinned creeping up the hall into the lounge.

"Somethings up come on, tell me while Brent isn't in here" Kae sat next to me on my bed, of course I was going to tell her what's up.

"It's Hayes.. Lately he's been getting a bit distant" I curled my lips looking down at my hands. Katie sighed slightly before saying anything.

"If you fell like he's being distant try talking to him, maybe somethings wrong ?" Katie was right what if something was bothering him this whole time, I haven't even asked him once..

Before I could say another word Brent barged back into the room.

"He said he'd be here in a second" He said hesitating slightly, now this made me slightly more worried.

"Brent is everything okay..?" I looked him dead in the eyes wanting the real answer from him.

"Yea everything's fine, Kae lets go get ready for bed" Brent quickly grabbed her, saying a quick goodnight to me as they rushed through my door. I was now curious whatever's going on I'm going to end up finding out.

Moments later Hayes came in throwing his phone onto the bed.

"Sorry for taking so long babe.. umm mom was on the phone" He said sounding as hesitant as Brent did. I wasn't going to question it at this point in time, I just wanted to go to sleep.

"It's fine, just hurry up and get in bed you goof" I laughed trying to shake off my bad vibes. He smiled and got ready straight away, done in a matter of minutes. He turned the lights off jumping straight in the bed. He wrapped his long muscular arms around me, pressing his lips to me cheek. Now this is the Hayes that I'm used to, maybe I'm just fearing that he's not happy when he's really fine and the same as always.

"Night my baby girl see you in the morning" He gave me one last kiss before going silent.

"Night babe" I smiled to myself before closing my eyes and letting the sleep take over my body.

Brent's POV:

"Brent what the hell is wrong?!" Kae questioned me on how oddly I just acted before.

"When I went to go check on Hayes I heard a few words while he was on the phone" I trailed off feeling slightly sick.

"Well spit it out Brent!" She was now getting very impatient with me.

"Okay, okay I'll spill but you can't tell Liv it'll break her heart for sure" I told her straight up now a more concerning and annoyed look on her face. She nodded taking a big breath out.

"So when I went to check on Hayes, I kind of hid behind the door and listened to him on the phone. I think he was talking to a girl maybe I'm not entirely sure on that one yet. Anyways he was talking about meeting up with them back in North Carolina when we get back home. Saying something about putting a stop to a relationship after he got home. Which I'm assuming is his and Livy's relationship, so that's all I heard before I came back." I shook my head at the thought of what Hayes might be up to.

Katie sat there covering her mouth, no words no nothing for a few seconds.

"I feel sick, having to keep that from her." She said bluntly holding her stomach.

"You can't say anything Kae, It'll ruin our whole friendship give me time and I'll talk to Hayes before we leave tomorrow okay?" I held onto her hand staring in her bright coloured eyes.

"I-I promise, now lets just go to sleep please" she whined getting under the covers me following behind her. I wrapped my arms around her, both of us trying to go to sleep as fast as we could.

My question is why would Hayes let such an amazing girl go just like that?


Hello my beautiful Grier girls how the frick are you guys!!?

I missed you all so fucking much you have no idea <3 So sorry for not updating for a long period of time again, I kind of just stopped writing but I'm going to try keep writing more and I mean it this time!!!

I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you in my next update love you guys <3

Insta: livyy.mae :)

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