Diagon Alley

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  • Dedicated to My mom, Margaret Rose Kelly <3

"Rose dear, It's time to get up"  I rolled over and groaned. My mom, Maggie pulled back the violet curtains shielding me from the blinding sunshine outside. "Leave me alone" I grumbled. Suddenly I remembered that we were going to Diagon alley to get my stuff for Hogwarts. The day before, I had received my acceptance letter. I had been hearing about this magnificent school since before i could walk. My parents had both gone there. Dad had been a proud Gryffindor while my mom had turned out a successful Ravenclaw. From what I have heard she was very intelligent for an 11 year old and there for righfully earned her place in Rowena Ravenclaws house.

I leaped out of bed and quickly got dressed. We were leaving in ten minutes. I galloped down the stairs and grabbed the piece of toast my mom was handing me. We travelled to London and into the Leaky Cauldron. When the bricks moved to reveal an arch I wasn't surprised. My mom used magic around the house quite often so I didn't take any notice.

Diagon Alley was bustling with witches and wizards. I was constantly shoved in all directions. We made our way towards Gringotts first. She stepped up to the counter and said "I want to make a withdrawal from Rose Kellys' account" Suddenly the place went silent. She gave the goblin a treacherous look. "If looks could kill" I thought to myself.  She showed the goblin the key. "Everything seems to be in order" he said and nodded towards another Goblin. "Griphook" he called. we stepped towards a tiny cart and my mom,myself and the Goblin all clambered in. My mother and myself were tightly packed into the cat and I could hardly breath. As we whizzed through underground London I felt a tightness in my chest. I wasn't usually claustrophobic but we were in a tight space and travelling at a blinging pace. Finally the tiny cart screeched to a halt and I leaped out into freedom. I took a ragged breath while my head spun. "Rose" I heard my ,other call. She sounded worried. I had never been to Gringotts before and had no previous warnong of the adventure I had just lived through.

Once out of the wizarding bank, we decided to get my books. I was very excited because I always loved books.We pushed our way through the crowd towards Flourish and Blotts. I was amazed, I had never seen such a wonderful place in my life. Books were stacked up on shelves that stretched as high as the ceiling. As if by magic they were whizzing off the shelves towards their new owners.I ducked my head to avoid being smacked by a red and purple book heading my way. My mother sorted out my school books and gave them our Galleons in exchange for a pile of new colourful school books. I wandered over to the section on magical creatures. A colourful volume with a picture of a dragon caught my eye. I never admitted it but I had a fascination with dragons. They amazed me, in my opinion they were the most beautiful and magetic creatures alive. I was aware of the fact that they were considered highly dangerous but I loved to look at them. They had such power and strength beneath those wings. I turned around to see my mother paying for my books and brought my latest discovery with me. She looked at it briefly and nodded. She always encourage my interest in magical creatures. She handed over her money for all our items and kindly thanked the wizard that served us before stepping out onto the street again.

Authors note:

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FiFi xx

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