Chapter 13

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Picture of Cloudpelt

Stormfire carefully groomed her only surviving kit. Rainkit happily batted her tail. Mousewing, Fallowflower, Hazelberry and Cloudpelt appeared.

"Rainkit that's your Father Mousewing," Stormfire pointed with her tail towards.

"Who are the other cats?" Rainkit asked. "Do they live here with us?"

"No and we don't live here," Stormfire answered. "You and I and Mousewing live in Shadowclan,"

"Where do they live?" Rainkit asked.

"I live in Riverclan," Fallowflower answered her voice surprisingly gentle. "My name is Fallowflower,"

"I'm Cloudpelt from Windclan," Cloudpelt added.

"I am from Thunderclan," Hazelberry put in. "My name is Hazelberry. It's nice to see you awake Rainkit,"

"If you're all in different clans why are you together?" Rainkit asked.

"We are saving the clans," Mousewing answered. "And we are all going together,"

"I hate to say this but we have to keep going," Cloudpelt meowed.

Nodding Stormfire picked up Rainkit and the cats continued along. Rainkit was quiet most of the way talking only to ask questions when things confused her. After a while as the sun began to set the cats rested. Hazelberry and Fallowflower hunted. Rainkit suckled.

"Do the clans know I am born?" Rainkit asked.

"No my dear kit," Stormfire answered. "But we'll make sure they know that you're a hero too,"

Rainkit nodded happily. "Will I see anything but grass?"

"Once we leave the fields you'll see a forest and then a barn," Mousewing answered. "You'll see lots of things when we return to the clans,"

Rainkit looked excited as she jumped around squealing and squeaking. Suddenly Stormfire heard a loud roaring noise coming from right behind her. Then Fallowflower's warning call. "RUN!!!"

Stormfire grabbed Rainkit and took off. She did not stop until she couldn't hear the roar of the monster any longer. Rainkit looked terrified.

"It's okay little one," Stormfire reassured her kit. "Your safe now,"

"Who's there!" A strange voice hissed.

Looking up Stormfire saw a huge brown Tom. Stormfire bristled. She didn't trust this cat.

"Go away," Stormfire snarled. "Before I make you,"

The huge cat laughed but it turned into a screech as a flash of bite fur slammed into him clawing and spitting.

Stormfire felt relieved. The brown Tom snarled running away.

"Are you alright?" Cloudpelt asked.

Stormfire nodded feeling too exhausted to eat. Cloudpelt disappeared suddenly then returned with two fat mice.

"Thank you," Stormfire meowed.

She ate hers hungrily then wrapped her tail around Rainkit and fell asleep.

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