Chapter One ~ Youtube Video #21: Society

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-Natalie's P.O.V. 

-May 25th, 2013

I stood beside Lillian facing my older sister Candice who was across my bedroom holding my pink Panasonic Lumix camera in her hands. The song "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera played on my iPhone 5 which was on my night stand next to Candice. It was at a low volume so the viewers would be able to hear us but loud enough for someone to hear it playing in the background. She gave us a thumbs up meaning she began recording us.

"Hey there beautiful Youtubers!" Lillian smiled and waved directly at the camera.

"Is that even a word?" I mumbled. 

"Um no, but in my world it is, so deal with it." Lillian playfully sassed. "I'm joking! Love you!" She gave me a side hug. I giggled at her silliness. "Okay as you can tell we're missing Lola. She's next door napping cause she wasn't feeling too well earlier." Lillian explained. 

"Alrighty, so today we'll be giving our opinions on what we think is wrong about the society, since a lot of guys wanna hear about our opinions." I explained. "Shall we begin?" 

"We shall, my lady!" Lillian answered in her attempt of a British accent. I giggled at her 

"I'll go first." I volunteered. "Okay so you guys know the quote about society that goes like, 'Don't let society label you' ? Well if you never heard of it now you have. That quote speaks nothing but the truth. No one should let society define or label who they are. Societys' expectations are complete bull. Just because your over-weight does not mean you're not beautiful and just because you are skinny does not mean you starve yourself. Most people just happen to be born with an obese gene and some people struggle to gain weight, but simply just cant. Society has no right what so ever telling us how we should act or how we should look, so we could be considered beautiful, because everyone is beautiful in their own individual ways." I finished off. 

"I agree with Natalie that everyone is beautiful in their own ways and that society has no right telling us how we should act like or what we need to look like in order for us to be considered beautiful... But I don't wanna add on to what Natalie said..I wanna get into a much deeper topic; suicide..." Lillian began. "Suicide is something that should taken serious and not laughed about. Most people go through so much stuff that they feel as if death is their only way out. They feel unloved, unwanted, uncared for, and just alone. They feel this way because of society. Society says you that you have to look and act a certain way in order to be considered beautiful. Honestly though no one should have to change who they are just to fit societies' high expectations. Nobody is this entire world is perfect. Perfection is boring, but individuality is exciting. You guys are perfectly imperfect and you should be proud." Lillian smiled at the end. 

"Perfectly said hun." I smiled at Lillian. She smiled back at me showing her pearly whites. 

"Why thank you." Lillian smiled in a goofy way as she curtsied. 

"No problem love." I smiled back at her. "Well that's all for today." 

"Before we go I just wanna say, don't forget to subscribe to this channel, like this video if you enjoyed watching it, and comment what you guys thought on the video or comment what you guys want the next video to be about." Lillian explained. 

""Well that's all for today. See you guys next week!" I waved goodbye.

--An Hour Later--

I finished watching the video that Candice had posted up on Youtube an hour ago of me and Lillian. I unplugged my headphones and scrolled down a bit and read the top two comments which brought a smile to appear on my face. 

First Comment: 

NatalieFoxFan: I love how even though they're 21 they still act like kids and match outfits :) x 

Second Comment:

NatalieFoxFan4Life: If you actually take the time to listen to what they are saying, you can tell they have some sorta of experience just by the tone of their voices. I hope things get better for you two! Keep your heads held high and continue on ignoring the haters. They're only hating cause they wish they could be as great as you two are! Tell Lola I said, I hope she gets well (:

"What's got you smiling so much? Is it Zayn?" Candice asked. I looked up and saw Candice by the doorway. 

"I just read the top two comments of the video you posted before." 

"Ahhh. Okay." Candice said as she took a sip of her drink. "Well I'm off to go pick Kelly and Kayla from Riley's place since he wants to go out with some friends. I'll be back in half an hour. If Lola's fever gets any worse call the doctor. See you later." 

"Got it." I replied as I watched Candice walking out the front door with her car keys in one hand and her drink in the other. 

Author's Note: We know this chapter was short, but the next chapter will be much longer than this. We hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. 

-Xoxo Taylor & D.J

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