Chapter 6.

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I'm afraid of what it's going to be like there, at the Ovtavia pack, but I'm more afraid that I'll like it.
How could I like it? They are all the complete opposite to the Ambrosia pack, we value law and order, they on the other hand are rebellious and cunning.
Don't get me wrong they have rules but a lot of them break them.

I tried to spend as much time as I could with my family and Austin.
Leaving will take a big piece. A real big piece, but I have to do it.

We all sat awkwardly around the large dining table, Austin sat directly in front of me.
My cousin on either side.
My uncle sat on the end of the table:
I tried to remain quiet but all I wanted to talk about was the move for me.

"So..can we please talk about the move? I am leaving tomorrow?"

Andréa cleared her throat.
"Listen Jane, don't take offence to this but we don't really want to talk about this."

Don't take offence? Don't take a fucking offence?
I'm leaving tomorrow and they don't want to talk about it?

"Well I'm sorry but I am leaving tomorrow maybe some support from my family? I am going out of my mind right now."

Andréa looked at uncle and shrugged.
"Is there anyway that she won't leave?"

Uncle shook his head. "If they break the bond she'll die."

My blood went ice cold.
Austin cleared his throat. "She won't, we won't let that happen."

They all nodded in agreement.

Andréa spoke up again. "Jane I'm sorry, I don't care if your an Octavia you'll still be my little sister/cousin."

I smiled warmly at her.
Andréa has always been the big sister figure.
She was beautiful and kind, everyone envied her.
Her mahogany brown hair hung in loose curls down to her mid back, how her hair stayed in perfect condition something mine could never do.

After dinner I have everyone each a long heartwarming heart that I could possibly do without boring my eyes out in tears.

I went to bed feeling empty and very emotional.
I'm going to become what I feared most; an Octavia.
I'm going to be apart of a cruel, witty, assholic pack.

Dangerous Mate.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora