I - The Legend Begins

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A/N: If you've ever been taunted by an empty screen or notebook page in the midst of writing your masterpiece, then this is the story for you. 

Kimmy_Grace and I wrote this part-by-part, beginning in Wattpad threads (and later by PM) in an attempt to conquer writer's block. We started with a literal blank slate and went from there. Hopefully you'll enjoy reading it as much as we've enjoyed crafting it! 

The * marks a change in author between Kimmy_Grace and myself. Kimmy kick-started our saga by answering the ultimate question:
What happens in our story?

Everyone died.


"Who knew?" the nameless protagonist said, dusting themselves off. "Turns out it's very hard to kill a main character."

They pulled the crossbow bolt out of their chest and looked around. Their nemesis was crumpled on the ground like an abandoned rag doll.


"Foolish peasant," complained the main character. "You must have known that it is impossible to kill me, for I have a prophecy to fulfil!" He added a hearty, "Har har har!" for good measure and stalked off into the night.


Main rubbed his hands together over the warmth of a fire. The prophecy was not going according to plan. It had been three months, and all he'd accomplished was losing his smallest finger in a bar brawl. The pink stump wiggled in the firelight. All he needed to do was conquer the world. How hard was that? World domination. It was an easy enough task, though he'd need more followers than he had at the moment. Currently, he had an evil legion of zero. 

"Show me a sign!" he shouted to his silent gods.

There was a flash of red lightning in the sky.

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