Rose and I spent the entire trip napping and listening to music.

We did this every trip and every time, one of the boys would ask us why we never drove.

And then we'd say we would drive next time and there'd be an outburst as they shouted that they would drive.

It was entertaining how they treated us like princesses, honestly.

When we arrived at my parents house, we were greeted by the sight of cars, adults, children, animals, and more loitering around the front lawn and in the streets.

Gordon rolled his eyes and muttered: "Because letting your children play in the street is so safe. Almost as safe as letting them play in the street with fire and knives."

I laughed and leaned forward, rubbing his shoulders.

He smiled at me through the rear view mirror.

Even though the streets were crowded, we still managed to find a parking spot.

The moment I stepped out of the car, I was pulled into a bone crushing hug by my mom.

I hugged her back and smiled at Mel and Rena who stood on the porch, patiently waiting their turn to see my friends and I.

After hugging both my parents, I ran up to Rena and Mel.

Quick hello's were exchanged then I asked: "Where's Xander and Kolin?"

Xander and Kolin were my two friends from college, both boys.

They were friends Gordon was not too happy about but a couple kisses from me always fixed the damage that the two names caused.

Mel shrugged and I laughed, walking inside.

I found Gordon in the kitchen with Rena, the two catching each other up on their lives.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind.

He turned and lit up as soon as he saw me.

He pressed a quick kiss to my lips then turned back to Rena.

Gordon wasn't in college.

He was working at a car garage while working on a book.

He found out that he had a way with words after showing us some of his old poems and short stories.

We were all excited for him and of course, were supporting him every step of the way.

Shane and I were actually the only two of us that were going to college.

He was majoring in psychology.

He decided that he wanted to help teens just like us: lost, miserable, and in pain.

I decided to major in photography and minor in philosophy.

Photography was a decision I had made after rekindling my love for art of any kind.

My photos were now pinned up all over Gordon's apartment walls along with my bedroom walls.

Rose was the really impressive one though.

The fashion forward girl skipped out on school and got a loan from her parents.

She now has a successful boutique she runs herself downtown.

I try to avoid it as much as possible, considering the amount of girliness makes me gag.

I don't tell all the girls at college who love Rose's boutique that I'm best friends with the owner.

But I do always report back to Rose about how much the girls love the new clothes.

I squeezed Gordon's waist tightly and kissed his back.

I was proud of them all.

The day passed fast and before I knew it, I was sitting in the middle of the street, staring up at the night sky.

It was a fairly cloudless night and the stars lit up the sky.

I sipped my soda and spread out across the warm asphalt.

I heard the door slam then felt someone lay next to me.

I didn't have to look to see who it was as they intertwined fingers with me.

His breath tickled my cheek as he whispered: "What're you thinking about?"

I turned my head to look at him.


His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.


"Yes. I always think about you. You're always on my mind."

He pressed a kiss to my collarbone, tucking hair behind my ear.

"That's not healthy. I'm a horrible person to think about all the time."

I smiled and buried my face in his chest.

"I don't think so. Then again I might be biased because I'm in love with you."

"Oh? Is that so?"

I giggled and nodded.

"Yeah it is."

He kissed my head and whispered: "Good. Because I love you too."

I smiled and looked up at the sky again.

It burst into color and I couldn't help but compare it to how I felt every time Gordon touched me or looked at me.

Gordon's fingers skimmed up and down my back and I couldn't feel his heart against my cheek.

The sound of the fireworks and the familiar beat of his heart began to lull me to sleep.

Right before I drifted into the darkness I managed to hear:

"You're really in love with her, aren't you?"

"Shhh. She's sleeping. But yes, I do love her."

"Good. If you hurt her, I'll hurt you."

"It's been a year now, Rose. I think you can trust me."



I felt his lips against my forehead.

"Goodnight, beautiful. I love you too."

A sleepy, happy smile spread across my face.

I loved him too.

I loved all of my friends more than all the stars in the sky.

And falling asleep to the feeling of love in your chest and the sound of your loved ones voices in your ears, was the best way to fall asleep in my opinion.

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