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She opened her eyes to see Xerxes above her. He was cradling her to his chest at the top of the stairs, in front of the entire court. He had broken protocol for her.

"I must speak with you, before you leave" she said quietly. Everyone in the courtroom was looking upon the scene curiously. "It is of urgent matter, I will prepare a banquet."

He helped her to her feet and her hand flew to her stomach and rested below her breasts. She may have been trying to catch her breath but she looked as if she was in pain. He could not inquire about it in front of his court so he had a questioning look in his eyes.

She then proceeded to leave the room with Hegai who was standing in an entrance to the throne room looking relieved.

Esther stood on the steps as she waited for her guest. She saw him leave the castle and start down the path towards her. As she expected he brought Haman with him.

As he approached she half nodded, half bowed to her husband and the proceeded to lead him and Haman through the curtains.

They all took their seats and each took a few bites.

"What is your petition my queen?" Xerxes asked

"Let us eat then I shall say" she asked quietly

Haman proceeded to glare at her as the king waited for her to say something.

"Is the meal to your satisfaction? My lord." she asked them, more towards her husband than at the evil man Haman.

He set his goblet down "the night draws late" he said "once more I ask for your petition, my queen" he looked at her and she returned his gaze. Then she glanced at Haman as if unsure of how to proceed in front of the newest prince.

After a moment she said "my petition, my lord" she said "is that you allow me to finish a story"

He glanced at Haman.

"One that I began many nights ago" she added a little more softly.

Haman lowered his goblet at this and glanced between the two.

She stood from the table and slowly walked away from the table, to stand across from the king.

"the story of Jacob my lord" she turned to gaze upon him "does not finish with marrying Rachel, for they go on to have twelve sons" she said letting her hands rest against her stomach clasped together.

"And like these twelve pillars that surround us, they became the pillars of a people" she said turning to face him, her voice grew stronger as she proceeded to talk.

"Surely" Xerxes said looking slightly irritated but still patient enough to hear his wife out "surely you do not delay an army, only to finish a children's tale"

She glanced down for a moment. Then came to stand on the opposite side of the table from the king, ignoring Haman to the best she could. She slowly came to her knees in front of the king, her husband.

"If I still find favor in your sight," she said looking up at him "let my life be given me, at my petition" she pleaded "and of my people at my request"

"You demand at me your life?" Xerxes demanded as if it was absurd "and that of your, people" he asked incredulously. "My dear girl, I know not of your, people" he said looking upon her. Now he was getting frustrated, time and time again he had asked her who she really was and where she really was from and she had always avoided answering, keeping secrets from him.

"You have yet to tell me who they are"

"Had we been merely sold slaves, I would've held my tongue" she insisted "this" she said quietly emotion seeping into her voice "this Haman" she said disgusted, "wanted our blood." She looked into his eyes "my blood" she insisted letting out a breath "the blood of Jacob" she said.

The king looked at Haman who was now looking curiously between the king and Esther. The king could see the slightest flicker of fear in his eyes.

"Your Jacob" she added as he turned to look back at her "your Jacob was given a new name, Israel" she said softly

The king calmed slightly as he looked into the pleading eyes of his wife, his wife that he loved.

She took a deep breath and continued, "As was I"

"you?" Xerxes asked "Esther?" he turned his gaze to the table and said a little more harshly than intended "a Jew?"

Haman continued to drink from his goblet as he watched the interaction.

"Not Esther, my lord" she said with a smile, he would finally know her name. She stood up before her husband, the king. Not once breaking eye contact with the man she loved. She held her head up and said with dignity "Hadassah Bat-Abihail, daughter of the tribe of Benjamin" she said proudly with a smile on her face "child of the most high God"

Xerxes continued to look upon his wife. Coming to understand why she was hesitant about telling the truth to him. With the slaughter of Jews for property she was hesitant and had given him a false name. Hadassah, was a beautiful Jewish name, he thought but his thoughts were interrupted

"Never have I heard a more pathetic story in my entire life" Haman said angrily and turned to Xerxes "she is no Jew, she is another Vashti" he said referring to his previous wife. "Seems it not convenient to you" he said standing and walking towards Hadassah "an army marches, and suddenly she is a Jew" he said with disgust, getting rather close to the queens face. "Oh, Esther is a Jew" he mocked. Hadassah looked down at the floor, avoiding the eyes of the man who had killed her parents. He then turned to the king.

"Your Vashti but protested the notion of war" he said "this queen seeks to counter the very authority of your rule" he insisted sitting down again to the right of the king. "A Jew?" he said with disgust "if so, why did she hide until now?"

He turned to Hadassah again, "pray, do tell us" he said mockingly.

Hadassah took a moment to gather herself, turning her sad gaze upon her husband "the almighty, has indeed ordained, that my words speak not truth under you, at least allow my heart" she asked

Xerxes watched as she reached for her neck. There he saw their necklace, the one that had been misplaced. There it lay against her collarbone. She grabbed it and broke the chain from her neck.

"For this" she said stepping closer to the table. "Which I have offered you" she added referring to the night he asked her to marry him. "My most precious in all the world. The very identity, etched within me" she said holding the necklace above the candle.

Immediately the room began to glow, stars of David danced across the curtains as the flame lit the crystal. He watched both her and the stars. For a moment she looked around at the stars with a grin on her face and then she turned her expectant gaze upon her husband.

"What is something supposed to be happening here?" Haman asked looking between them.

"The stars" Hadassah insisted "do you not see them?" she looked at the king, willing him to see them. "Do you not see them?" she asked again.

Xerxes looked down at the table.

"A mockery" Haman said glaring at Hadassah.

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