Chapter 37 - Unstable

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Happy Halloween!!!!


Chapter 37 - Unstable

Dedicated to: MidnightRavencrow

Episodes: (142)

Dates written: 10/20-10/30/15

Date published:10/31/15

Song: Akatsuki -This is Halloween

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Sasuke took me back to the Leaf. He didn't enjoy it. It was written all over his face. It didn't help that I lived in the house where everything happened.

"Shiaye." I look over at him as I sat on the couch. "I'm going to destroy the Leaf. It's my last mission I'll do if that's what it means."

My eyes go wide as I turn away from him and gripped the cushion. "I want to tell you something." This caught his attention.

"Danzo is your only enemy. Not the Leaf." I say getting up and sighing. "I know you won't understand right now. It needs some thinking."

That's when it hit me. Like a brick to the face. Pain went through me as I tried to catch myself. My fingers brushed the curtains before Sauskes arms went around me.

"Listen to my heart." Everything froze as he said this. That's what Itachi told me when my head was in pain.

Everything went dark as my eyes fell closed.


"Shisui! That's not fair!" My little self yelled look at the older man. "I have to do this mission it's important. Tell you what," He leaned down before pushing my hair back.

"When I get back we'll go get dango and stay at the park all day long." I started squealing before a coughing fit happened.


That's right.. I had almost forgotten that I was a kid that was sick all the time. But... I don't ever remember being sick.

My eyes opened slightly. The room was dark and only the light from the moon made it a little brighter.

"Are you okay?" I look down to see a head at the bottom of my bed. I hummed a yes.

That's when I really notice it. My body felt numb and I felt like tears were threatening to spill. I was worried about this before the other day. My mind was over reacting.

"Sasu-" And that when everything went dark.


Sasuke's P.O.V.

I look up at her as my name cut in half. Her eyes were closed and her skin was paler than usual. "Shiaye?" I reached up shaking her foot to get no response. That's when I started to panic and stand up. "Shiaye!"

My teeth grit as I grab her wrist and push down on it to test her pulse. "It's weak." I walked into her second closet where she keeps all of her ninja supplies and grab one of her water shots. This may not be a great idea, but it will help her pulse hopefully.

I put the needle through he skin before pushing the slit that releases the medication. Slowly the liquid disappeared. Checking her pulse again, my inside tore apart as it was getting slower. "What's happening Shiaye?"

"Shiki." I say shaking her body trying to awaken the demon inside of her. "Shiki I demand you to come out now." I grit my teeth before raising Shiaye's shirt enough to see her tattoo. "Come on Shiki." My hand reached onto Shiaye's bedside and grabbed a kunai before holding it over the tattoo.

"Last call." I say before I'm tackled and the kunai is taken from my hands and put to my throat. Ragged breathing filled the room as Shiaye's eyes were orange and half violet. "Don't test me like that Sasuke. You may be her brother, but I have no problem killing you."

"My sister was going crazy. Her vitals were off." I say as she get off me and I stand up. "That's because her mind isn't in the right place right now." She lays the kunai back down before straightening the picture I had moved.

"What do you mean by that exactly?" Shiki turns to look at me before sighing. "it's amazing what her own brother doesn't know about her."

"Shiaye's mind is fragile because of the block that was put on her mind. If the block is broken or she goes through something dramatic and she remembers it, it can damage her mind completely. Itachi's death did it all. When Gaara was killed right in front of her, Itachi blocked that so her mind would be safe. Now that Itachi is here, she's on her own. Even I can't block her memories or fix them." Shiki says sighing before sitting down.

"Fix them? I thought they were only blocked?" Her eyes went a little wide at this. "Did I say fix? I meant.. resurface them." I looked at her. "What do I not know about my sister?"

Third Person's P.O.V.

"There is a figure in her room, but it's too dark to tell who it is. They're staying in the shadows." That Hokage waved her hand to dismiss the Anbu from her office. "What should we do Tsunade?" Shizune look down at the pig in her arms.

"She had enough chakra to keep her clone going until I told team Kakashi split to go help out some where else. I'm sure that she went to help Sasuke defeat Itachi. Kakashi reported that there was substantial damage to the whole place that only an Uchiha fight would cause. She has reasoning." Tsunade sighed looking outside the window.

"For now, we'll keep it between us and the Anbu from earlier. It's best that way. But, we must resolve this somehow. Send a private letter to the Kazekage asking him to come when he gets free time. No emergency." Shizune looked at the Hokage. "But My Lady, that is his fiancé. I would think it would be an emergency."

"If she needs him immediately contact him herself. Anyways, I have a hunch who is in her room." Tsunade says getting out a piece of paper and writing a letter. "You don't really think it could be him, do you?"

"If Naruto ever found out, he would have wished that he would have stayed longer." Tsunade said smiling before standing up to look out on the beautiful city of Kohana.

"I'll get this letter mail right now." Shizune says walking out of the room wit a sigh.


I know it's short but right now I'm running low on time and inspiration. I'm not going to give up because I have so many thing I want to put into Shiaye's story! Have a great day and a safe Halloween!

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