Biebers Models

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"Stacy , I'm so jealous of those tumblr girls" I said to my Bestfriend Maria as I scrolled down my dashboard .

"I know ! I want there life " Maria said finishing up her hair and turning off the straighter .

"We're Victoria Secret models though so I guess thats good" I said not sure which is better .

"yeah we get to meet Justin " Maria said laying down next to me.

"your so obsessed " I said rolling my eyes .

"I'm not obsessed , I'm dedicated " She said correcting me .

"whatever , are you ready ? " I asked .

"yeah , let's go " She said as she grabbed her iPhone and we walked out my room .

We live together , and we're both 18 .

I locked the mansion and we got into one of our vehicals .

"I haven't ate McDonalds in so long" Maria said as I pulled out of the garage .

"Same , I'm tired of 5 star restaurants" I said turning the radio on .

"I'm alive , I'm alive , I'm alive ." That power - justin Bieber . Came on and Maria started flipping out .

"I'm alive in every second , minute , hour " She started singing loudly .

"ohgod , you make me want to kill this guy " I mumbled rolling my eyes .

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 26, 2013 ⏰

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