What Now?

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So you've just become a judge for TheWPFactor... What now?

1. The biggest thing you'll be doing is making contests. To make a contest, you need to include the following things:

*What is the title of the contest?

*Who made this contest?

*What do you want the people participating to write about for the contest?

*How long the entries should be (If judge wants any guidelines on length)

*Deadline for entries (Specific dates or whenever there is enough entries)

*Prizes (Must be reasonable; fanning, votes, comments, dedications are usually great)

*Whether or not there is one round (If more than one, how many?)

*How will you receive  the entries? (Comments, private messages, etc) Note: Please, please, please don't tell the people to send the entries to TheWPFactor with private messages or anything like that. We are not running your contest, so we just have to tell tons or people to stop PM'ing us and to send them to you.


2. Of course after creating this contest, you'll need to send it to us so we can upload it on TheWPFactor. Please email it to us or send it via private message. It is slightly easier if you send it as an email, but it is understandable if you don't want to email a random group of people you met on Wattpad. After we receive it, we'll upload it as soon as we can.


3. Now you are almost done with the process of having a contest. You will need to read the entries and pick winners, announce them, then you're done! (With that contest, that is!)


4. To encourage our judges to do well, there will be a ranking system. You will be informed when you are promoted up, or demoted down. This system relies entirely on how well made and run your contests are and how often you make them. Also, sometimes we will ask the readers how well you are doing as a judge if you are doing well enough for a promotion, or if there are problems with you and we are either considering demoting you or kicking you off the panel. If you have month long waits between crappy contests or we receive lots of complaints about you from other judges or readers.


5. If you are a high ranking judge, then you have a chance of being chosen to be a judge in the big contest, the WPFactor. If you are chosen, you are expected to do your best and be fair, or you will be replaced immediately. 


6. The last job of a judge is merely to work hard and try to help out as much as possible in the WPFactor community. Helping to recruit, telling off some troll, or even just directing a lost and confused reader can help make you look a lot better in our eyes, and may eventually earn you a promotion.


Finally, we just want to welcome you to the judge panel at TheWPFactor! You will have lots of fun, and it'll be a great learning experience for everyone, not just the contest participants.

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