Chapter 19 - Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

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The Great Hall was a buzz at lunch, following the revelation that Professor Dalkwin had not been seen for four days. The news broke when a student had gone to his office and found it strewn apart, as though a struggle had taken place. Owls and patronuses were sent out, but as of the afternoon, the last known sighting had been at supper during the beginning of the week. A huge crowd was formed around the Hufflepuff table, Lily, Gizelle and the Marauders, minus Remus were mixed within it. The student who had been the one to discover his disappearance was going on about what he had seen. “But it’s the curse, you know?” he explained, “No Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher lasts for more than a year. It’s been that way for forever.”

“Rubbish!” Another objected, “A position can’t be cursed! That doesn’t even make sense!”

“No, but think about it. When was the last time we’ve had a professor for more than a year?”

“You’re an idiot, you know that?”

Gizelle didn’t want to join the conversation. She didn’t want to believe that Professor Dalkwin was gone. He had only been their professor for the school year, but he was beloved by all. He was tough, but his sternness was the result of his desire to see his students succeed and was the reason that many students were pursuing Defense Against the Dark Arts at a N.E.W.T level next year.

What bothered her most, though, was that she had the sinking feeling that this had something to do with Voldemort. And if Voldemort was powerful enough to get reach within Hogwarts, then there wasn’t much that he couldn’t touch. Professor Dalkwin had reminded her of her own father. Short, easily tempered, bushy mustache. This served as a constant reminder to her blood heritage and the danger of being a muggleborn. And because of this, Gizelle was constantly battling with herself as to whether or not she should explain to her parents the dangers of the magical world.

She didn’t know if they would even comprehend the extent to which the wizarding community was divided on the subject of blood and worse she was worried they might not let her come back to Hogwarts if they did.

She left the Great Hall, wandering through the mostly empty corridors. It was a nice feeling to be done with finals. It was like the weight of the world was lifted off of her shoulders. With the exception of her Transfiguration final, she had done as expected on her exams and she was well prepared to enter her final year of Hogwarts with the intention of studying ancient magic.

Far ahead in the hallway, she heard a strange noise.  Heavy breathing and knocking coming from a broom cupboard down the way. Her heart fluttered. Allowing herself a moment to believe the impossible, she raced down the hallway and flung the door open.







Gizelle backed away from the cupboard, her arms shielding her eyes and crashed into one of the suits of armor.

“What are you doing?!” Eva yelled, stepping out of the closet and trying to straighten her skirt, which had twisted itself around her waist.

“I heard a struggle!” Gizelle cried from the floor.

Remus raised his eyebrows, his cheeks flushed crimson. “You heard a struggle, from a broom cupboard?” he asked, “And you thought, what? A house elf might be stuck in there?”

Gizelle sighed, “I dunno, I thought-I thought it might be Professor Dalkwin.” She leaned back against the fallen armor.

Remus couldn’t help himself. He doubled over laughing, “You thought he’d be in a cupboard? Blimey Giz, they’ve looked all over the school for him!” Seemingly remembering that Professor Dalkwin was actually missing and could be in danger, or worse, he sobered up immediately. He gripped the back of his neck and looked at Eva. She smiled softly at him and reached up to kiss him on the cheek. Her lips lingered there for a moment and then she rested her forehead against his jaw. Remus wrapped his arms around her. It was a strange time at Hogwarts.

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