Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven - Stockard Valley

Jasper and the Carter women were making their way to Lineman's Bakery, where they were going to do some cake-tasting. Jasper was walking side by side with Genevieve and Mrs. Carter, and Lily was walking very fast up ahead of them.

"My, my it seems Lily has finally found a part of the wedding she actually wants to help with. The cake!" Mrs. Carter exclaimed. Jasper nodded in agreement along with Genevieve, but inside he thought she was walking ahead because she didn't want to be near him.

They arrived at the small building and Mr. and Mrs. Lineman came out.

"Howdy, Carter women! And so glad to meet ya Mr. Connelly!" Mr. Lineman shouted, shaking Jasper's hand vigorously. Mrs. Lineman quietly greeted the women and then showed them inside the bakery. They walked past the many shelves of freshly baked bread and cabinets filled with sweet cakes and cookies until they reached the end of the shop. There was a table set up and the four of them sat down while Mr. and Mrs. Lineman brought out the first cake flavor to try.

After trying nine different flavors, they chose the delicious walnut cream cake. It was soft and spongy while at the same time being a bit crunchy with the little pieces of walnut in there. It was scrumptious, and they were all happy with the choice.

Mrs. Carter and Genevieve went to the front of the store to make the arrangements with the Lineman's while Lily stayed back to finish her piece of cake.

"You're taking an awfully long time," Jasper said to her. They were alone in the back of the bakery.

"I like to enjoy my cake," Lily replied, not looking at him. Jasper chuckled and sat down next to her. "What do you want, Jasper?"

" Your admittance of your feelings for me."

"Are you mad? We are at a cake tasting for your wedding to my sister, and you want me to admit my feelings?" Lily now looked at him, glaring.

"I am perfectly aware of our current situation. I am not asking for you to jump onto my lap and give yourself to me, I just want you to admit to how you feel."

"And what good will that do?"

"I am a businessman who makes it his duty to always get what he wants. All I want is a confession."

"There is nothing to confess." Lily turned to get up, but Jasper pulled her back down in her seat.

"Why can't you just stop being so stubborn-"

"You're not the perfect example of compliance yourself!" Lily shouted. Jasper paused for a moment, then chuckled softly.

"You're right, I'm sorry." He made eye contact with her, and she couldn't help but smile ruefully at his goofy expression when he realized his hypocrisy. They both giggled again, and then stopped when they made eye contact again. Her ice blue irises and his mint green ones shined brightly as they stared at each other. He leaned forward and put his lips against hers.

At first they just sat like that, still and unmoving, then Jasper pressed himself more against Lily and she responded immediately. Their lips began moving in ways Lily had never thought her lips could move. He tasted the creaminess of the cake still on her lips and she inhaled his smoky, leafy scent. There were shivers running up and down her spine and she felt her hands automatically move up and grab his face, bringing them closer, till she was practically on his lap. His arms wrapped around her waist and held her tightly against him, their chests rising and falling together as their breathing began to match. Lily had never felt such a rush in her life, and she didn't want it to end. She had never been kissed before, but now she could see why everyone made such a fuss about it.

"Lily!" Mrs. Carter shouted and they instantly broke apart. The two of them stared at each other for a moment, before Lily shook her head and walked out of the room, leaving Jasper behind with his thoughts.

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