chapter 24

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The door rang minutes after Sin left. Ross frowned and went to go get it. There at the door was Officer Berkley. For some reason, a bad feeling grew in the pit of his stomach, and it wasn’t because he hadn’t eaten all day. Officer Berkley showed himself inside. All of the confidence and bubbliness that Ross had been building up with Sin vanished instantly.

“I’ve been reviewing the paperwork and I think it’s almost official,” Officer Berkley grinned.

“Oh, thanks,” Ross murmured. Officer Berkley sat down on the couch, grinning hugely.

“Why don’t we watch TV together?” he offered to Ross. Ross’s stomach sank so much he could feel it in his toes. He couldn’t feel anything but like he was going to throw up.

“Uh, sure, I guess,” Ross muttered, sitting at the opposite end of the couch.

“Come, sit here,” Officer Berkley offered, patting the space just beside him. Ross got up and moved next to him, feeling like he wanted to throw up. Officer Berkley smiled, looking like a shark on the hunt for a bloody fish. He placed his arm over Ross’s shoulder, making him squirm. Berkley just smiled ignorantly. After two episodes of some show Ross jumped out of his seat. Berkley quickly followed, standing also.

“Uh, you should probably go, I have a tutoring session I need to go to.” Ross muttered finally. Officer Berkley’s jaw dropped open. He turned and backhanded Ross so hard he flopped onto the floor. His face stung but he was mostly shocked.

“Don’t you dare speak out to me like that? How dare you!? I’ve been using the utmost hospitality towards you and you speak to me like an imbecile! You’re LUCKY to know me!” He snapped, his body shaking with rage. He let out a roar and kicked Ross harshly in the stomach, making the air whoosh out of his body. It was at that moment that the doorbell rang. Officer Berkley looked towards the door, frowning.

“You got lucky,” he seethed, jogging out the back door. Ross curled up in a ball and cried on himself, hating how weak he was. Sin walked in the house balancing a bag from the local pharmacy, a tray and another bag from Wendy’s.

“Hey! I brought-” he froze when he saw Ross on the floor. He dropped everything in his hands and ran to the boy’s side, lifting him up and taking him into his lap.

“NO! KATIE DON’T TOUCH ME!” Ross screamed, scrambling to get out of Sin’s lap. He could feel her hands stroking him roughly, like she was attacking him rather than trying to love him. He cried because she would never leave him alone no matter how goddamn hard he tried.

“OWH, my HEAD,” Ross sobbed loudly. Sin fumbled around for something before he took something and pressed it softly to Ross’s forehead.

“Shh, it’s all going to be okay. It’s me, Sin. I’m just giving you an ice pack, alright? It’s going to be okay,” Sin promised profusely. Ross shook his head back and forth so fast he grew dizzy.

Sin took his time to undress Ross down to his boxers. Then he laid Ross down on the bed and curled up next to him, applying a cold washcloth to his forehead. Six and a half hours later, he was still shaking and staring up at the ceiling blankly. He whimpered every once in a while, tears tracking down his face as memories ghosted through his brain. Finally Sin laid his head down just beside Ross’s chest, his eyes burning too much to keep himself awake. He decided if Ross was still like this when he woke up he’d take him to the Emergency Room.

“Sin, Sin,” someone exclaimed, shaking him awake. Sin’s eyes snapped open and he found that Ross was there.

“Ross! Thank God!” Sin cried. He encompassed Ross in the biggest hug he could imagine, but Ross pulled away just as quickly.

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