She sighed at the clingyness of her ex boyfriend, Brendan. They were a power couple that was well known, but their breakup remained a mystery to pretty much everyone. He made up false stories about why they broke up, but many people knew that it wasn't true. She ignored the texts as she slammed the locker shut, and walked out of the school with Mack. The 10 minute drive to the mall was the same as usual; jamming out to today's hits with the windows down. It was almost better than the mall itself. It felt like an eternity had passed before the girls arrived. As soon as she parked the car, Mack stepped out, and kissed the ground.

"Oh! My beautiful mall! It's been too long!" She fawned over the ground.

"Genius, it's been a week. That ground is nasty, and you look like a dork. Let's go," Chloe chuckled. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of her biggest competition in baseball, Hunter Moore. Every year, Westlake, and his school, Eastlake, manage to go to the state championships for one of their sports, which only intensifies their competitiveness towards eachother. It's completely natural that there's a hatred between them, you know, since they're both star pitchers for their baseball teams. There's times when she wonders if she should at least give him a chance to be her friend, but his giant ego and fuckboy attitude continues to get in the way. To make matters worse, his best friend was Brendan. There was no way she was associating herself with him. Chloe shot Hunter a look before he continued walking with his friends. She could see the snicker on his face before he shot her one of his signature smiles.
"Mack, I'm serious. Let's go. Someone just walked by and looked at you like you're crazy," She said sternly. "I mean... I guess they aren't technically wrong but-"

"Alright." Mack stood up from the ground, grabbed Chloe's wrist, and dragged her to the entrance of the mall.
After visiting multiple stores, the girls decided to grab salads from the food court. It was their usual meal from the mall's food court; it was pretty much the only thing that followed their diet that they've had since their freshman year when Chloe was selected for the boy's baseball team, and since Mack was put onto the cheerleading squad.

"So Mikayla," Chloe started. "Has anyone asked you to the Spring Formal yet?"

"Why would you even ask me that? The formal isn't until April..."

"Yeah, and that's only a few months away. Besides, the boys are usually lined up by now," She mentioned.

"Okay maybe a few guys have asked me. Maybe a couple of girls too, but I'm totally boy-crazy. I still have guys asking me about the Valentine's Day dance," Mack admitted.

"I thought you were going with Hayes Doyle," Chloe replied.

"I am. But I bet I could sneak a couple of dances with them too," Mack explained. "What about you? Have you been asked to either?"

"Me? Pft... No. Unless Netflix decides to go to the dance, then I have no date," Chloe laughed. "I'll probably jus-" She was cut off by the presence of the one person who she could not stand.

"Moore, why are you here?" She asked bitterly.

"Gumdrop, I'm here to see you," Hunter told her in a sweet voice.

"Okay, you've seen me. Now goodbye." Chloe pushed the egotistical teenage boy away from her, but even with her strong arm, he barely moved.

"Why do you hate me, Gumdrop? Did I do something wrong? Oh, and my buddy, Riley, thinks your friend is pretty hot." Hunter shifted to the side, revealing a cute boy, who Chloe and Mack assumed was Riley.

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