"Calm down guys, don't fight, it's best if we don't look like a threat to them" I suggest, that's what I think is best anyway.

I saw a huge white wolf, the largest among all the rest come towards us. It's like 10 feet tall, which caused Sean and Luke moved to stand in front of me. The wolf seems to like it even less, he let out an angry growl which caused us to flinch. I touched Sean and Luke's shoulders to stop them from moving and that caused another even more scarier growl coming out from the wolf. So I quickly dropped my hands and stepped in front of my friends. "Kate, what are you doing?! get behind me!" Luke shouted at me when I started to move towards the huge white wolf. I can't help it, there's something that pulls me towards those eyes, which keeps staring at me and pulling me. "Kate! St-" Sean stopped Luke from coming after me and seems to whisper something to him.

Now, I'm right in front of the white wolf and very slowly I raised my hand to try to touch its head. The wolf lower its head so that I can touch it. I stroked his head and he seems to like it. I figured it was a he, since no she-wolves will have that kind of huge figure. Then he started to move its head towards my neck and smells me. I laughed and circled my hands around its big neck to hug him. We both falls to the ground with him on top of me. I had a big smile on my face, I don't know why but I feel safe and happy.

The others, the wolves and my friends they just staring at us.

The next thing I know, the wolf in front of me transformed in to a man, without clothes, luckily he wards his pants, which looks like a basketball pants. Still I can't stop starring at his perfectly muscled body, which makes him smirked. After a while of starring at each other, I heard a cough from where Sean is standing. "Can somebody explain to us what's happening? Oh and you're not going to kill us right?"

"That depends, who are you? what are you doing in my territory and with my mate on top of that?" The man answered with a low voice that is.. omg, I think you know what I mean. I answered directly, not wanting my friends to get hurt "They're my best friends, Luke and Sean. We're here just for sight seeing, didn't know it's a pack territory. I'm sorry, we thought there's no pack in here, we didn't asked for permission." The man looked at me, and we're still in the same position, with him on top of me, his hands beside my head, which makes me even more nervous. Those grey eyes looks really powerful and intimidating. "Uhm.. can we stand now?" He helped me up then pulled me to his side with his hand on my waist. "What's your name, love?" He asked. "Catherine. Catherine McFlare. You can call me Kate or Catherine. and you? what's your name?". "Alexander Howard". "I think I've heard that name before, it sounds familiar, right guys?" I glanced at my friends and I see Sean was starring at Alexander with wide eyes while Luke was a bit more over with his mouth open and his finger pointing to Alexander "You're ... you're... -". "The Alpha King" Sean continued.

It took a while for my brain to process it and after a while "What?! You're the Alpha King?!" I looked at the man in front of me. "Yes, sweetheart. I've been looking for you for a long time and now that I've found you, I'm not letting you go". Werewolves are generally possessive, more than vampires and even worse for the alpha, and for the Alpha King..... it'll be like ten to fifty times more than other alphas. I'm starting to worry about my career, no way I'm going to let it go after all the effort I gave to be in this position today. I remember my sister with the vampire king, it's not too hard for her, vampire are not as possessive as werewolves, and mine is an Alpha of the alphas! She's a singer and I'm an actress which is even worse, I deal with men more frequently and I don't think the Alpha king will like it.

"I think I have to go home" There's too many new information on my brain which I can't contain. His eyes turned black immediately "NO!" and he tightened his arms on my waist. "I have to. I have work and study". "NO!" That's all that he's been saying. His eyes still black, which means his wolf is out. "Alexander..." I tried to reason with him. "It's Xavier, sweetheart". Huh? Oh. that's his wolf name. "Xavier, I need to go home. Can you let me process this? I'll be back to you on weekends, just let me go home". "NO! If you want your friends to survive, you'll come back with me". "What?! why? they don't have anything to do with us!". He seems to like that I said 'us', I saw Alexander tried to take back the control of his body, when his eyes finally come back to the grey color. "Princess, I can't let you go back. It's really hard for me to even hold Xavier right now, you don't know how hard it is, he wants to mark and mate with you right now, after over a thousand and five hundred years, now that we finally found you, our mate, I can't just let you go". "But I can't just drop everything and go!" this is frustrating. Alexander was about to snapped, not liking my tone just now when Sean stepped in "Let's just go back to his home or castle and talk about this, may be Xavier will calm down with you being there" he's always the wisest one among the three of us.

That brings us to go back to the castle. Yeah, you're right, it's a freaking castle. The castle is amazing. "When was this castle built?" "A long time ago, before you were born" Alexander answered with a huge smile on his face, as if he just had a private joke. "Yeah, of course" note the sarcasm. Alex bring us to a hall and we started our meeting, "You can't go back Catherine" "I have to Alex, please. I need to continue my degree and my work" "I can't be living without you around me anymore, I can barely contain Xavier now" "I know... but..." I sighed.

"You're going to continue your work? Being an actress?" Luke asked. "Actress?!" Alex growled out loud. "No way I'm going to let you keep being an actress! Act as if you're in love with other men, kissing them or even more! You're Mine! Mine and mine alone!" He moved towards me and starts to smell my neck, his face in the crook of my neck. I remember that werewolves smell his or her mate smells to calm their wolves. I stroked his hair to calm him down. "I want to keep working Lex, I can choose my role though, the one without me involves in the romantic act in it". I'm an open-minded person and easily adapted to change but I do have my own principles, even though I know how possessive an alpha, Alpha King can be, so this is the only way I can think of.

"About school, I still need to continue my degree too." I stated. "Catherine...." He sighed. I'm not stopping yet "Please Alexander, I'm still 18 years old, there's a long life ahead in front of me. I can't give them all up now." "You're going to be a Luna, Catherine. Please try to understand." He's getting frustrated and his eyes started to change its color. I know it's really hard for him to suppress his wolf right now, it's amazing how he hasn't get angry as he should have been. "How about this, you're going with us to California, every weekend we'll go back here together, I'll stay with you. I'm going to finish my study and continue my work, with you and me together selecting which roles I'm allowed to play. After I finish my degree, we'll live together in here, in your castle".

"I can't just leave everything here too. I'm the Alpha King Catherine.. This.. what you asked.." He sighed

"Please Alex, I know I'm selfish but let me finish this degree for a while just 1-2 more year, I know I can finish it faster than other students. It's just I need this, I've been living for just 18 years old, when I finish I'll be 20 or 21 and after that I will be living with you and be a Luna, I'll be spending the rest of my life with you. You can delegate your duty, some of it to your beta and we'll always going back here on weekend. Also there's internet for you to always online with your beta and talk about pack things, if it's needed. Please Alex?"

He seems to be thinking deeply about it and after a long while he finally sighed. "Okay" Omg! I'm so happy that I directly hugged him. He chuckled and hugged me back. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!" "You're welcome princess. Oh and by the way, there's a problem" "What is it?" "I don't now how to use internet" "WHAT?!" the three of us shouted in unison. "It's too complicated and unnatural" he seems embarrassed. "What? I was born a long time ago, internet is something completely foreign to me". "You know, I think it's normal guys. I'll help you with it, don't worry Alex" I touched his shoulder. He smiled at me and raised his hand to touch my cheek, which makes me leaned to his hand.

"I really think, we're not needed here" Luke interrupted. We all laughed, "I still don't like that you're with men, even though they're your best friend. Are they really your best friend?" "Hey! We can hear you, you know?" Luke said. "Yup! No worries, they're gay you know?" He seems relieved.

Alex took us for a tour around the castle, at the garden Luke and Sean decided to leave both of us alone.

"Tell me more about yourself" He asked.


Hey guys!! more updates!! I'm on holiday now, and I think I can work faster on this :)

Hope you like this chapter!

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