Chapter Twenty-Five: You again?

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Chapter 25: You again?


Amelia P.O.V

We reach Bree's house hand in hand and Harry opens the door. He had a big smile on his face then it dropped when he saw us.

"Hey Harry" I smile

He doesn't acknowledge me and glares at Carter

"What are you two dating now?" he says rudely

"Yes" I say. Oh my God Amelia what are you thinking?

Carter cranes his neck so fast towards me, it looked like it was going to fall off

"Whaa..What?" he stuttered

"Carter!" he shouts with an angry expression on his face

"What Harry?" says Carter blankly

"Freaking blahrhf ARGHH!"

He storms back inside, Woah I'm surprised he didn't hit Carter. Well it could've gone worse

"Well that went well" I smile sarcastically

Carter drags me into a small room and slams the door.

"What if is your problem Amelia?" he hisses

I jump by his sudden words and look down

"Talk to me!" he says walking up to me then shaking my arms

"I don't know"

"I'm not your toy"

"I know"

"I can't believe you!" he says putting his hands through his hair in distress "You can't use me to make Harry jealous!"

"Sorry Carter...I wasn't thinking"

"Clearly!" he shouts "What...we did last meant nothing to you?" he says after a while

I look at the wall biting my lip preventing tears falling

He stamps out the room and slaming it hard leaving me alone. Tears start to brim in my eyes and I wipe them away angrily. What the hell was I thinking? I'm an awful friend to him!

I yank open the door and run to find him, I go to the living room where everyone is sitting

"Has anyone seen Carter?" I ask

"Why? So you can go upstairs and fuck him?" says Harry not looking away from his phone

"Don't mess with me Harry" I growl "I'm not in the mood"

Aubrey rolled her eyes at him, "He just left, why?"

"Okay thanks Bree" I say running back out the door

"Wait why?"

"I'll explain later" I yell

I pull the door and run down the road to look for him. It was getting pretty dark and I know I shouldn't have of lefted the house but this is Carter! I need him! I made a mistake and I have to fix it! I run towards the empty park and see a figure crouching on the bench. I slowly walk towards the figure.

"Carter?" I ask putting my hand on his shoulder

The person looks up at me and grins. I yank my hand away gasping walking backwards. Have a guess who it is...

"Are you looking for trouble Amelia 'cause your making this easy?"

"No I'm not" I seethe "What do you want with me anyway?"

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