The First shall be Last?

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"First Love"I laughed"those years are far behind me".He continued to look at me and the more I looked into his facial features I began to realize who he was.

His jawnline more defined, his chest much larger, he had always worked out but he had put on more muscle.Where there was just skin on his face at one time, there was a slight beard and  goatee. His boyish days where far behind him.

"Camille, there you are ,we miss you in the VIP section" Blair spoke.Thank you lord,that was a bail out! Blair grabbed my hand and dragging me back up to the VIP section.

I sat back in my spot on the couch.
" your gonna tell me about Mr.Man later"she giggled.

"Let's go dance"her friend said.I had already forgotten her name because my mind was racing a mile a minute. About him.Why is he here? When did he come back? Is he single?

Girl, the way he was looking at you he had to be I thought to my self with a slight smirk."Camille come on where gonna go dancing"I nodded.

She frown. "Why you not moving, come on" she then grabbed my hand taking me down the pervious stairs I had just walked up.

A few minutes into dancing, and rocking for me, everyone found them someone on the dance floor.

Then he came.I knew he was behind me before he even spoke. I could smell he cologne ,CK1 I had bought it for him one Christmas and he loved.

"Can I talk to you"he spoke in my ear.The sound of his voice sent chills down my spine.He still had it, no one could ever make me feel like he did.

He pulled me through the club to the lobby.As I followed behind I studied his movement self assured in every step.He was swave in every way.

And I can't lie I missed him.

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