Chapter 4 - Storming the castle.

Start from the beginning

After a few miles of walking in silence, Victoria noticed the blonde's limp getting worse.

"We'll rest here."

She picked a spot near the riverbed, one of her favourite places to be, near the river. There was something all too soothing about the way the water trickled against the rocks, rushing by that calmed the older woman, brought her a sense of peace.

Victoria advised Emily that she should get comfortable, and try to rest before they continued their journey at sunrise. The younger woman agreed, eagerly nestling herself in a soft brush of bush, drifting asleep with the sounds of nature guiding her.

At sunrise, Victoria found herself in the river. Something she hadn't done in a while. She tipped her head below the surface, diving deep before rising again. The she-wolf noticed the blonde sitting on the riverbank, staring at her in amusement.

"Come on in, the water's great." The water was bordering cold. She laughed internally, waiting for Emily to join. "Don't tell me you're shy, pet."

The blonde stripped, plunging into the river and creating a large splash that smacked Victoria in the face.

"This is what you call great? It's fucking freezing." She groaned, treading the water.
Victoria watched as the blonde swam around, ducking her head beneath the surface a few times, seemingly enjoying the 'freezing' water. Her eyes wandered over the top of Emily's breasts that peeked out just above the water.

"What are you staring at? You perv." She folded her arms.
"I saw you naked a few minutes ago, it's a bit late for that."

Emily blushed, swimming a few meters away.

When Victoria had returned to the castle, only to hear that the royals had travelled, Annabelle taking the blonde with her, it struck a nerve. Margret did not hesitate to fill her in on all the special treatment Emily had been getting while she'd been absent. Annabelle had many women in her bed, countless over the decades, but they would be cast out that same night. She'd never been in the habit of spending the night with a woman after sex—that was until she'd met Victoria.

But now, floating above the surface of the river, Victoria saw it. The sun gently kissing the blonde's skin, her blue eyes twinkling in amusement as she tried to catch glimpses of the fish under water. The woman's entire aura was different. Her scent was stifling enough to leave one breathless. She could see what Annabelle saw in Emily.

"Can I ask you something?" the tiny voice came from downstream.
Victoria swam closer to her, "Uh huh?"
"That day... in the kitchen. I saw you guys kiss." Emily's cheeks were red, what an awkward thing to say. "What's the deal with that? Are you two a thing?"

The woman's dark hair was slick down her back, she spurts a few droplets of water from her lips. "I'm her wife."


Emily stared at her with lips parted, surprise clearly visible. "You're married to her?!" Disbelief in her voice.

"I am, yes."
"How can you be married to such a—"
"Whore?" Victoria finished.
"I was going to say beast, but...that works as well." Emily was standing now, her top half completely exposed. She didn't care anymore. After that revelation, Victoria was practically her sister wife. "No offence, but your wife is a bitch."

The older woman chuckled. "She wasn't always like that. When we got together, we were actually in love."
"What happened?" she pushed.
"Let's just say... we've been through a lot together. There are things I wish we could change, but can't, and there are things I wish we never did or said, but they've already been done."
The woman's words were cryptic, leaving Emily with more questions than answers.

"Why are you still with her?"
"It's complicated. It's already complicated when you're wolves, and it gets even worse when one of you is the fucking Queen."
The blonde decided she'd ask one last question. "Why are you so threatened by me being at the castle?"

Emily immediately regret asking, when Victoria swam beside her, their chests touching lightly. "There's just something about you Emily. I can't quite put my finger on it." She inhaled deeply, burrowing her face into the blonde's neck.

"Something about you that makes people feel so fucking good." She whispered before pressing her lips against Emily's. The kiss was lukewarm compared to those from her capturer, but still ignited a fire at the young woman's core.

Victoria withdrew as if she'd been burnt. "I should not have done that." she swam to the bank, lifting herself out of the river. "We're losing daylight."
Emily was somehow happy for the change in atmosphere, the previous tension was wearing her thin.

The woman crouched, body cracking and shifting into her wolf form. It shook its head, as if motioning Emily to come closer. After she'd gotten dressed, Emily walked over to the creature.

"Should I get on?" She pet the fur on its back. The wolf nodded, and Emily did as she was told. She now straddled the beast, and it trod off in the direction they were previously headed in.

A few hours later the wolf came to a halt at the edge of the woods, shrugging the blonde from its shoulders. Emily turned to offer her thank you, but the wolf didn't wait around for it. It was incredibly rude, the blonde thought. Her family home on the horizon, she couldn't be bothered with pleasantries.

Emily hobbled for another mile, the farm looking a lot more deserted than she remembered. She stumbled onto the patio, knocking on the door.

"Dad? Manny?" she called, but there was no answer. She searched for the spare key they hid beneath a gnome and unlocked the door. A shrill cry left her lips at the sight of her father lying in the middle of the living room, covered in blood. There were splatters all over the walls and furniture.

Emily rushed to his side, kneeling. She used her bare hand to cover the wound on his neck as he gurgled. "Dad what happened?" she cried.

The wounds on his neck didn't look like they were from a knife. They strangely resembled claw marks. Her brother was still nowhere to be found, and at this rate there wasn't much to convince her that he didn't suffer a similar fate.

"Get out of here," he managed to say. "She took him, she came back for Manny."

"Who? Who took him?" she shook the man gently.

Those were her father's last words. His eyes were fixed and his body released a low groan of a last breath. Tears fell freely, she'd now lost both her parents. She came back for him. The words echo in her mind. Could it be that Annabelle did come searching for her? Could it be that she was responsible for this?

With nowhere to go, and nothing to lose, Emily pinned her blonde hair into a messy bun, got changed into jeans and a blouse, then left the bloodbath of a house behind. She was headed for Annabelle. Emily would demand answers, and this time she would have them. 

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