A hidden Secret

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Surya's p.o.v:
Hiccup wake up!!! I yelled he did not wake up so I got some water and splashed it on him then he woke up
Surya! Did you spill water on me???  Good morning to you  too boyfriend I teased at him what time is it anyway hiccup asked me 6:00 am. I replied    What! It's 6:00 am hiccup said   Come on sleepyhead it's time we get to the cove I said/teasing him   OK OK I'm up geez   Hiccup said  ok I'm ready  I said  as I started my spin dash from ( from Steven universe episodes friend ship, and when it rains) I was half way at the cove before hiccup even started  hey took you so long hiccup I said   You beat me to the cove hiccup said   Yeah,yeah let's find rose storm and toothless  I said changing the subject   OK.....but I'm not sure if they're going to be up at least at this time hiccup said   Well you do have a point I said as I started to climb up to the waterfall cave where I found rose storm and toothless sleeping together as if they were in love   Hiccup come up I said he was almost there then I gave him a hand   Well it looks like toothless won rose storm's heart like how I won your's   I rolled my eyes well it's not official ya know I said as I got out the book of dragons  see it says that mating season for night furies start at least  5 years from now and for pure nadders it's the same thing   I pointed out   Ok well u do have a point hiccup said. Look rose storm is changing color she is changing to white and blue  I said  wow it must be some hidden ability hiccup Said   As I drew a picture of rose storm and toothless ( picture on page 11) hey what are you drawing? Hiccup asked. it's a picture of the dragons  I replied  wow it looks real you do have a gift hiccup said then I blushed   What..well you do though hiccup pointed out   thanks Hic I really appreciate it I said  then toothless woke up but he did not see us because we were hiding in the corner   Then he nudged rose storm gently then when she woke up  toothless "kissed" rose storm on the lips   Aww rose storm and toothless me and hiccup blurted out then both of the dragon got startled then rose storm went to the pond so she could catch some fish little did she know astrid was right behind her. To be continued.........

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