The drive to Harry's house was pretty silent. Zayn let me listen to my Shawn Mendes CD without even putting up a fight, so I knew something was wrong. I got his free hand in mine and let it rest on my bump. That seemed to improve his mood a little, but not much because he still wasn't talking to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him when we parked outside of Harry's house. He sat there then looked at me with his golden brown eyes watering.

"I'm so sorry, Niall. I just... I made a big mistake." He told me. That caused my heart to drop to my stomach as all the possibilities of what that could mean ran through my head. One that stood out to me was that this baby was the huge mistake he was referring to. He unbuckled his seat belt and turned to place both his hands on my bump. That made me so confused because I wasn't sure what he could have made a mistake about.

"I let Mark schedule the match in the middle of May. I didn't think you would be due anywhere around then. I thought the beginning of the month was when you would have the baby. I don't want you to stress out so much you go into labor and I don't want to be in the ring while you could be giving birth without me right by your side. I won't do the fight because I need to be with you." Zayn told me as his tears slid down his face. I felt it in the way he was talking that he was trying to convince himself he wouldn't do this fight. I've known how badly he needed to do this since he started training a month ago. Now I see that he's literally in pain between choosing his two passions. Me or boxing. Normally I would be glad he's picking me, but I'm pregnant and hormones are a thing, so I slapped him.

"You're doing this fight and I'll be right by the ring while you do it. You're not backing out of another fight for me. You've worked too hard to quit. Don't ever say that you're not doing it ever again." I snapped at him, then broke down crying because I sounded so mean. Zayn smiled at me and kissed my belly then my lips. We both sat in the car crying for so many reasons, but one was the fact that we were both terrified for the future and didn't want to talk about it.

"I'm so scared to be a dad. What if I don't do it right?" Zayn asked me through his tears. I grabbed his face in my hands so that he was looking at me in the eyes.

"There is no right way of being a parent. All you can do is love your child and be there for them through thick and thin. You'll be the best dad out there because you're a man that has a heart unlike anyone else's and you have a way about you that when you love it makes all your choices turn out to be the right ones." Zayn shook his head before leaning in and kissing me with the most love he's ever showed in a simple kiss.

The baby kicked lightly, then decided to stretch out a little. It's hand or foot pushed out right where one of Zayn's hand was. We both broke apart to look down at the part in my belly that was being pressed out. Zayn pull up my shirt to look at the small bump in my skin. He let his finger run over it as his tears stopped and he looked like he made up his mind in that moment.

"I'm ready to meet you, little bug." He whispered to my stomach. The baby seemed to recognize his voice and got excited about it because it started kicking around allot more. I laughed until I got a strong hit to my bladder. Zayn seemed to understand I needed to get to a bathroom just by that familiar look so he got out of the car and ran over to my side to open the door for me.

"You guys done snogging in my driveway?" Harry asked when he opens the door for us. I waddled right past him and straight to the bathroom that I knew was in the lower level of this huge house. I heard Harry chuckle as I left the room and him and Zayn start talking.

Once I finished my business, I went out to the living room where I found Louis sound asleep on the couch. I sat on the other couch and waited about twenty minutes for him to wake up to give me attention, but when I didn't get any I got up slowly and waddled my way to the familiar work out room. I walked in and saw Mark was there already screaming at Zayn as him and Harry were doing a fake boxing match. They both had head gear on, but the punches they both threw still looked every once of real.

"Eye spy with my little eye something Irish and pregnant that belongs to Zayn Malik!" Mark shouted as Harry threw a punch to Zayn's stomach. I walked over to where Mark was leaning against the ropes of the little boxing ring Harry had. Zayn did something I'd never seen before that pushed Harry into the corner of the ring. He threw allot of really scary punches that made me wonder how Harry's still his friend. Zayn threw one last hit then backed up. Harry chuckled and shook his head making a signal for the match to be over.

"I swear, you could kill me if you wanted to. Payne better watch out." Harry slurred out. Zayn was going to reply, but Mark blew his whistle. That caused Zayn to hit the floor to start doing push ups. I looked at Mark, feeling impressed he got the stubborn boy to listen to him.

"You're not the only one that has him whipped." Mark said with with a shrug. When Zayn was finished with his push ups he jumped out of the ring and ran over to kiss me then ran over to the weights. I laughed and sat in a chair to watch him lift nearly two hundred pounds.

That was how it was for the rest of Zayn's training. He would finish something and run to kiss me before he started something else. All I could do was smile proudly at him and rub my belly as I watched him push himself for the tiny baby that would kick me anytime it heard Zayn's voice.

A/N: ziall baby on the way! Ziam fight coming up! So much stuff is going to happen so soon!!! Aaahhh!!! How old are you?!?!?!??!?! (I'm 17!!! Yay!) Comment / Vote!
- Bri;)

The Fighter (Ziall Horlik)AU M-pregWhere stories live. Discover now