Chapter 4 - Thanksgiving Dinner

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Of course, my life sucks and I didn't get to sit next to Carlos, only in front of him. I did get to sit next to Kevin, the most obnoxious man I have ever met.

I glare at my mom from time to time, but she doesn't notice. There is too much eggnog in her system already.

Dad stands up and asks us to bow our heads to say grace. Kevin scoffs at the request and my dad looks at him with disapproval.

"Dear Lord, thanks for the meal we are about to enjoy. Thanks for the blessings that we have received, for our family and new friends. If anybody would like to add anything, please,"

Kevin shifts in his chair impatiently. I swear that I feel like knocking him off the chair. I look around and so to see, I'm not the only one. Mr. Vazquez, Carlos father, adds some words to the act of thanks and Dad invites everybody to eat.

"Jeez, I thought that he was going to keep talking forever," Kevin says a bit too loudly.

"Kevin!" his mother says.

"I have told you already a million times to call me K-Ink. When are you ever going to learn?" he says. Stefan turns red at his brother's behavior, and my sister puts a hand on his arm to calm him.

"That is no way to talk to your mother. Apologize this instant," his father says.

"Man! Sorry," he says half heartedly.

"Why K-Ink?" Dan asks.

Kevin stands and takes off his sports jacket to show his collection of mismatched tattoos. He should sue whoever did that to him. He is not wearing a shirt under the jacket and so to smell, also no deodorant.

I feel like gagging, so I take a big gulp of my cider. My eucalyptus smell pales in comparison to his'.

"That is an intriguing collection of images," Mrs. Vazquez says.

"Like them? I designed all of them myself. I started a tattoo parlor with a buddy. I'm my best marketing tool," Kevin says proudly.

That explains it all. I'm afraid that business won't last long.

Mom slices the turkey and we all start eating. The atmosphere is a bit awkward and the only festive thing is the medley of Christmas songs playing softly in the background.

I have to do something to break the ice, well, it's more like a glacier right now.

"I got a job,"

Mom looks at me with happiness. Dad looks relieved. Kevin is eating like a pig and is not even noticing what is going on. The rest of the people congratulate me politely, except one...

"Where?" Evy says, looking at me with disbelief.

"At the mall," I say. It's better not to give details.

"Doing what?" she demands.

Everybody's eyes are on me and I feel like I'm shrinking in my chair.

"At the gift wrapping counter," I say softly.

"I knew it. Another shit job that will last you what, a month?" she says, lifting an eyebrow in that condescending way that makes me feel awful.

"Cut her some slack Evy. Is not like jobs are plenty around here," Dan says glaring at her.

Aria begins to cry. I guess she sensed that there is something weird going on. Evy throws her napkin on her plate and goes to attend the baby.

"I apologize for her behavior. She is a bit overwhelmed at the moment," Stefan says.

"I also got a job at the mall," Carlos' sister says with a little laugh. "As a Santa elf. It is awful, but it will tie me until I find something else,"

I like this girl a lot and so to see, my brother as well.

The group starts talking about all the awful jobs they had to do in their youth. It is quite amusing to hear my mom talk about doing knife demonstrations in her college years. Dad lasted as a gardener for a week. He started pulling out plants that he thought were weeds and they were not.

"What do you do for a living, pretty boy?" Kevin says with his mouth full of food to Carlos.

"I do modeling work," he simply says.

"How gay," Kevin says, earning a smack on his head from his father.

"I'm fed up with your rudeness Kevin," he says.

"K-Ink. The name is K-Ink," he says, rubbing his head.

"K-Shit is how people should call you," Stefan says.

Oh, this is escalating quickly. Carlos on the other hand is still eating calmly.

"Aren't you bothered?" I ask Carlos while Kevin and Stefan are still arguing.

"Nah, I get called so many names that it doesn't bother me any more. I'm not gay. I get to wear cool clothes, and I earn really good money. Unlike..." he says, pointing with his chin at Kevin.

The meal ends and people spread around to enjoy the pies that we made. Evy and Stefan go home to put Aria to bed. I think also to keep Stefan from ripping Kevin's head. It also doesn't take long before Stefan's parents and Kevin leave. The atmosphere lightens up considerably.

I take a second piece of pumpkin pie, a blanket and head to the back porch to enjoy it. I hear the door opening and expect to see Dan, but it's Carlos who comes in.

"Can I join you?" he says. He also has a second piece of pie in his hands.

I open the blanket and he sits next to me. The scent of his perfume is lovely.

"I'm sorry about what happened in there. I swear that this is the first time that my parents invite them. I actually haven't seen them since my sister's wedding,"

"It's alright. Nothing that K-Shit says can bother me," he says and we both burst laughing.

"I would never ever let him put ink on me," I say.

"Do you have a tattoo?" Carlos says.

"A small one on my ankle. A D, for Daniel, with a flower. Dan gave me a voucher for one years ago. My brother is my best friend,"

"He studies out of state, right?"

"Yeah, he studies medicine. I miss him a lot when he is not around,"

"Well, I will be around for a while. I guess that we could be friends if you want," he says while playing with the remnants of his pie.

"I would really like that," I say, giving him a kiss on his cheek.

I hear a giggle behind us... MOM!!!

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