The Harvest

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Darrell burst into my room shouting "Time to get up June! Festival day!" Last time he showed a childlike excitement it was 3am on Christmas morning. Groaning I checked my phone, it was 5am. There was no sun to melt the frost from my window and yet I was forced away from the warmth smuggled under my bed-sheets. Once dressed I exited my room and saw that Darrell and Mum were dressed in the village outfits. They had chosen a glaring bright red and yellow design which burned my sleepy eyes. I saw a slight look of disappointment from Darrell when me and Sammy walked out in our London clothes. Mum whispered in his ear which seemed to calm him down since he said nothing about our choice in fashion. At least we still had her support even when woken up at the crack of dawn.

Outside some smart local had set up stalls for hot cakes and warm drinks. To stop our shivering Mum brought us some glasses of mulled wine that made the cold melt away from our bodies. Not a bad start to the day.

"My father used to take me to the festival for the holidays when I was your age." said Darrell glowing from the mulled wine.

Mum then spoke in a loud tone which suggested the words meant for our ears, "It's must mean a lot to you honey for us to respect the event." Yet just as she spoke the words faded when we spotted a man in a straw owl costume run by hooting after a woman with straw mouse ears. Me and Sammy giggled at the sight together arm in arm until we saw our class start to gather at a small stage.

"Shouldn't you two be up there?" Asked Darrell.

"We practiced in class" I said "but no one told us when we would perform."

"You could go up there now." Said Mum.

"If they don't want us. I don't want to join." said Sammy stuffing her face with another hot cake.

I looked at the stage as our class began to sing in a sweet harmony. The three girls we pranked yesterday were not on stage singing either. I looked round and could see three parents hold hands with a grimace on their faces. The deep thump of my heartbeat told me those three were the girls parents and something was wrong. I turned to Sammy but heard a shriek behind me. Looking up I saw Mum was wearing straw mouse ears and behind her a large straw owl with beady black eyes pushed through the crowd towards her. She tried to run but a group in cat masks grabbed her arms and legs paralysing her escape. Me and Sammy looked round for Darrell but he had disappeared too. It was up to us to try and free her while the giant bellied owl got closer screeching with every step. Me and Sammy kicked and pulled at the cat's arms and legs, but they just laughed un-moving from our efforts.

My arms started to shake when the owl got closer. He unfolded his giant wings and revealed more mouse women scrambling for air inside. In one big swoop he swallowed Mum into his belly. A group of mutated straw cats, sheep and pigs armed with sharp farm tools paraded the fat owl away. We tried to get close but the twisted animal parade kicked us away with laughing with their demonic faces. The crowd pushed us to the back of the parade where a man body painted in a red and yellow pulled a large decorated bull. The bull chewed on an oaty nose bag indifferent to the chanting and howling from the frantic crowd ahead. We petted the cow as we walked along with the crowd, who's chants had turned into a low droning hum. Sammy took out her phone and tried to record the parade for 'evidence' as the crowd glared at her. When the crowd stopped we pushed past the swaying villagers until we reached the front. We saw the animal people snort and screeched as they danced slashing their farm tools in the air. The giant fat owl shuffled four pairs of shivering feet towards the mound of hay and vegetables. The chanting got louder as the mound began to shake pushing out two pointed antlers out from the pile. Soon the mound stood over the owl with two great antlers and a pair of glowing eyes.
The owl shook and Mum tumbled out first. We shouted her name but she couldn't hear us with the sound of drums hammering out. A pig from the dancers gave out a huge squeal and ran to stand opposite Mum sickle in hand. I tried to close my eyes fearing he would cut her in two.

Instead he started to kiss her neck oinking and drooling all over her trembling body. Me and Sammy tried to make another push towards her but a cat person hissed shoving us back into the droning crowd. The pig grabbed Mum by the hand dragging her under the mound of shuddering hay and ripe carrots.

Pinned in the crowd we watched the groping display for all the remaining women. One by one they all paired off with the frantic animals clawing and kissing at their bodies before being dragged into the mound monster. Me and Sammy pulled at our hair, there was no sign of mother or the pig which dragged her away. With all women inside the mound monster I saw the painted man run forwards flaming torch in hand. He threw the torch. It arched in the air and landed onto the mound. Next to me I heard Sammy scream as the orange flame flashed up in an instant. The crowd pushed towards the bonfire laughing and cheering as Sammy sobbed besides me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looking up I saw blank smile of Darrell.

"Where have you been?! They took Mum!" I screamed shoving his hands of my shoulder pointing at the flames. Sammy grabbed his coat hissing, "" between her gritted teeth.

"Whoa calm down girls, she's at the bar getting us some more hot drinks." he explained laughing.

"How do you know that?" Asked Sammy.

He pulled out from under his coat a pig mask "oink oink." Sammy gave him a swift kick to the shins, "Tell us what that weirdo bullshit was right now." She shouted.

"It's just the pairing ceremony, to celebrate our lives as a couple." He looked at our desperate faces, "I thought the school would've told you about it."

Me and Sammy looked at each other. I couldn't remember anything and by her expression neither could she. To be honest, we didn't pay much attention in class about the villages boring traditions.
Mum came over drinks in hand with a huge smile on her face, "Hey wasn't that fun?"

"Last time you two had a 'couples ceremony' you included us." Grumbled Sammy.

Mum hugged us both. "Sorry girls but maybe you could come to the Night Drink tonigh-"

"-they can't." Said Darrell "only when they join in with the festivities will they be ready."

"That's a shame, but you might not have wait too long." She winked and pointed in the direction of some boys from our class who leered at us. "Maybe you'll pair off next year." She sang.

"Urgh no way" said Sammy turning her attention back to her phone.

I took my drink from Mum and hugged her again, at least she was smiling again after the ordeal was over. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and checked my messages,

xXSammygirlXx Grab an animal mask, we're going to the Night Drink tonight.

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