Chapter 1 - Going Back

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The forest reminds me of home, it's fresh air envelopes me in a calming hug. I step over the boarder into the Starburst Pack, my brother Aidan joins me, we look at each other, our hands holding our suit cases. This is it, we are finally going back to our pack, our home. Aidan and I moved away to another pack two years ago because my brother became the Alpha of the Eclipse Pack. I was only 14 and both of my parents had recently passed away. My father died defending the pack, and my mother couldn't take loosing her mate. My brother - 19 at the time married a female Alpha next in line, he married his 18 year old mate so early on in life to stop her pack from over throwing her. I myself am now just a few days away from being 16 meaning I may meet my mate. I am heading back to my original pack just until I shift, I will only be staying if I happen to meet my mate.
After 5 minutes of walking through the Starburst pack territory we are caught by pack guards, they surround us. I instantly freak out, Aidan stands silently waiting for the Alpha. I put my hands up in defeat, to show them that I do not wish to hurt them, but Aidan stands tall, an Alpha power radiating off him. A tall brown wolf makes its way through the wall of wolves surrounding us, it is the Alpha.
"We come in peace" my brother says a smirk plastered on his handsome face.
Adrian - my brother, is tall with tanned skin, dark chocolate hair and green eyes. He is somewhat similar in appearance to myself.
The Alpha wolf nods its head at us and begins to shift into his human form, quickly putting a pair of sweat pants on not caring about his nudity, most wolves are like that. I can't help but stare at his perfectly toned stomach. The unfamiliar Alpha is tanned with light brown hair and handsome hazelnut-brown eyes, his dimples standing out when he smiles. Why does this Alpha look so familiar? He's not the previous Alpha, surely it can't be the Alpha's son? They hated each other, his father refused to let him be the next Alpha. Maybe it's the old Beta? The packs Alpha walks up to my brother and they hug patting and slapping each other on the back.
"Aidan, how have you been man?" The Alpha says smiling, as he calls of his guards.
"I've been good Caleb. How long has it been, like what two years? Last time we saw each other was at that boring Alpha summit"
Caleb, this can't be Caleb. Caleb is the ex-Alpha's son and Aidan's childhood best friend.
"That was a wild weekend" he chuckles to himself, "What brings you around these parts?"
"My sister actually" they both look towards me. I share a small, awkward smile.
"Oh, yeah. I remember you, Cora? How could I forget you?" He hugs me, well that was unexpected.
"I'm still a part of your pack" I say looking up at the tall boy. He is half a head taller than me, the sun shines perfectly off his light brown hair making it look more blonde than mousy brown. He smiles at me for a while flashing his dimples, before continuing,
"Right. So how long are you guys planning on staying?"
"Just until Cora's birthday" Aidan answers for me. "Why this birthday? Aren't you turning like what, 18?" I snigger, the Alpha looks at me confused. Aidan nudges me and gives me a look that says 'that's rude' I roll my eyes at him.
"I'm turning 16" I say clearing things up.
"But what if you find your mate? Will you be staying permanently again?" Caleb asks. I nod. He gestures for us to follow him, we walk into the pack house, Aidan and I are stared at, I smile awkwardly back at them, my stomach a swirling pool of emotions. Caleb shows us to our rooms. Aidan gets an Alpha suit, whereas I get a Beta suit, what an upgrade. Back at home I have to stay with all the other teenagers my age in the pack house. I put my bags down and sprawl my body across the bed. I'm so tired from the long walk here, Aidan insisted we walk and not take a pack car, 'it'll be good exercise' he said. Arg.
"I hope you like it, sorry I couldn't get you an Alpha suit, but this will have to do" A masculine voice says, I sit up, it's the Alpha, he's leaning against the door frame with his arms folded, now fully clothed in jeans and a fitted t-shirt.
"Oh no, its fine. It's an upgrade compared to what I have back at home" I reply.
"Really? Your brother makes you sleep in the pack house?"
"Yeah, luxurious" I say sarcastically. He chuckles.
"Make yourself at home" I smile. He smiles back and walks away.
I remember when he was just a kid,when we were both kids. Now, he's all grown up, and has definitely changed a lot in these past few years, puberty came and hit him like a truck speeding at 100 miles an hour.

I walk downstairs to the main living area, I know no one. A random stranger says my name, I turn around to see my best friend Toby. I hug him. "So much for keeping in contact" he says hugging me tightly again, we hug for a while.
"Where's Bianca?" I ask,
"she's around somewhere with her mate probably" he replies annoyed. "Mate?!"
"Yeah, you know that really quiet guy Oscar, well since he met Bianca let's just say he's come out of his shell a bit" Just as Toby finishes talking there's a squeal behind me. I am bombarded with a hug, I almost fall over.
"I've missed you so much" Bianca says,
"Cora this is Oscar my mate" I shake his hand.
"So I've heard" I reply, winking at her. We spend the whole afternoon catching up.
Later on in the afternoon, Bianca, Toby and I decide to go for a walk in the woods, down to the stream where we used to play when we were young. As we walk, Toby and Bianca bicker like brother and sister. Finally reaching the stream, we sit in silence for a while enjoying each others company. Bianca disturbs the blissful silence by saying,
"I am so buying you a huge ass birthday cake" We all break down laughing at our best friends randomness.
As the sun descends behind the mountain, the sky darkens, the three of us head back to the pack house, as we walk, we notice that someone has lit a small bonfire, a few other people our age have also joined the small bonfire party. The wind picks up, prickling my skin, Toby notices and wraps his blanket around us. Across the bonfire Alpha Caleb and I momentarily share a gaze, his eyes linger only for a moment before they shift, glaring at Toby. What happened there? Looking around the bonfire I feel happy and safe, taking in the smell of my pack, my people. It's good to be home.


Hi thanks for reading my book! I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to vote and comment. I am going to have a little question at the end of most of my chapters!! Comment your answer/response or view on the story in the comment section!!! The first question is...What is your favourite word :) Mine is 'Anthropomorphism' hehe. It means the attribution of human characteristics in inanimate objects and animals. :)
Please check out some of my other books (Hell's Angels) Thanks
Until next time...VOTE, COMMENT!!!

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