13) Signs

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Matt shot to my side and stared out the window. Shock and fear filtered across his face. He stared at me dumbfounded and grabbed my wrist.

"Shit! How the hell did they find us?! Layla get the stuff we need to go now!"

I leaped to my right and just as I was running to my suitcase a thought flashed in my mind.

My family.

"Matt what about my aunt and uncle?! We can't leave them here, the magicians might hurt them!"

I looked towards their spaced-out faces as Matt's spell worked it's magic. Anything could happen to them!

Matt halted for about 2 seconds. It was clear that he just wanted to get us out of here, but he also knew that I wouldn't risk my family in danger. And now was not the time to have an argument over it, an argument I would win. It took him another second to form a plan.

"Okay, we will get the stuff, teleport to the end of the road, where they can still see us. That way they will change course and follow us and stay clear of your house!"

I was still undecided, I mean what if they came back anyway? Hurt them just because they can? It would be all my fault! How can I leave them when they are in danger? I couldn't bare the thought of them screaming in pain...

I think Matt could see my hesitation in my eyes, but we didn't have time to argue, the magicians would reach us any second!

"I'm sorry Layla, but we don't have time for this! You're just gunna have to trust me!"

"But Matt-"

"No buts Layla."

Matt already had both our belongings clutched in one hand and with the other, reached out and grabbed me on the shoulder.

I didn't have time to react as I saw the white walls of the living room fade and the limestone bricks of houses outside replace it. A breeze whipped at my hair and I brushed it out of my face.

I looked around. We were standing a little down the hill, in the distance I could see my house with it's painted blue door, the magicians were about to reach the porch. Oh God! My family!

"Hey!" Matt shouted, cupping his hands over his mouth to amplify the sound, alerting the magicians to our whereabouts.

They halted in their place, looking like they were about to blow apart my house, and looked straight into Matt's face, slight confusion and annoyance crossed their features. 

Please follow us, please follow us, please follow us! It took about a split second and the three men started sprinting our way, at the same time, I felt Matt grab my arm. 

The quiet, secluded road disappeared and I was standing in a small, dirty alley way, the cold stones either side of me towered down on us. Looking right I saw the familiar busy street, alive with people going about their day, not even aware that two people just appeared out of thin air... 

"Okay," Matt sighed in relief "It won't take long for them to come here. This is a busy place so hopefully they won't draw too much magical attention, but who knows, they might not follow our laws... If they find us, they will wait until we go some place quiet and then attack. We need to get to a safe place, preferably before they locate us."

I only nodded, worried that my voice would betray how scared I was feeling.

Looking down I saw our big, heavy suitcases and frowned.

"I suggest we shrink these cases to make it easier to travel?"

Matt's eyes brightened slightly and a small smile escaped his lips. "Great idea."

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