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It had been two stops and massive ass jetlag but we were finally here. The city of Melbourne it was known.

I carried William in my arms as my legs dragged themselves to keep up with Niall. The bags under his eyes prominent as his weak arm clung around my lower waist.

He took one of mine and his own suitcases as I only pulled one. Niall had justified it as fair as I was carrying William -which I insisted to do-.

The clock on the wall in the main foyer read 3:49 am.

Myself and Niall decided that since we had had huge jetlag, that we would sleep for the entirety of our first day here. But unfortunately, we were greeted outside with flashes and more screams.

Niall put a hand on the back of William's head and guided it into my neck. Pulling his hand back around me, people screamed questions and our names as our security stepped into help.

"Head down." Niall mumbled as we were toured to an awaiting vehicle. Getting into the confines luxury, I yawned keeping William close as Niall gave a wave before the door was shut.

Our luggage had been taken prior getting into the car and was now being stacked into the back. Niall held his arms out and helped put William in his baby seat.

The boy's head rolled to one side showing us just how tired he was as well. "Me and you both buddy." Niall weakly chuckled before climbing beside me.

Our seatbelts were set as the car pulled out to the place we were accommodated.

"Christine." Niall pulled my head down and kissed it as his elbow rested on my seat behind me. I reached over and took a fistful of his shirt as he continuously pecked my cheek.

My eyes shut as he then wrapped his arm around my shoulders to hold me close.

"We'll be about twenty minutes. Rest darlin'." His mumbling had me nod as I closed my eyes, drifting off with the sound of his tired breaths.

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