Chapter 8: Symptoms Of Love

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I was in deep sleep, until I heard some giggles above me, and I felt a small poke on back.

"Leave me alone mother! I will be down for tea in a second!" I said, slightly awake, I snuggled up back into the blanket and fell asleep.

I felt someone tapping and patting my back a few minutes later, at this point I was feeling pretty annoyed because I had slept so late and someone was trying to wake me up so early, probably my annoying mother, I thought.

"Mother! Please! I will wake in a little while!" I said growling into my covers and falling back asleep

A couple of hours later, I slowly woke up to the unbearably loud sound of girls giggling and chatting and laughing. My eyes flickered open, and I saw a huge group of girls and boys surrounding me.

"Does she not have a room!?" a girl behind me laughed, as the others raised their voices, oh god, I'd forgotten I was in a boarding school. I couldn't even remember what I was mumbling about earlier, something about my mother. What if they had heard that, and I'd said something embarrassing? That's probably it, I mean why else would they be laughing- other than at the fact I was sleeping on a sofa in the lounge.

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice from across the lounge, Luke and he was standing their next to his friend, Jake who I had previously met. They had both stopped talking and were giving me weird looks, looking as if they were still in the middle of processing what was happening. 

Luke started walking towards me with Jake following him close behind and soon approached me, I quickly got up sitting upright on the soft blue sofa. I quickly fixed my hair on both side, and smiled nervously at him and everyone else behind him.

"Bella, what are you doing?" He asked., raising an eyebrow.

"Uh- I.. I'm um.. Sleeping?" I said stuttering.

"Here?" He said, still hopelessly confused.

"Um yes? A-Ashton was making too much noise in the room so I was forced to come down here" I whispered, remembering my torturous night. Suddenly, I remembered Ashton coming to see me, I'd fell asleep straight after he left as I didn't remember thinking about it. He said he was sorry, well then why didn't he invite me back up? nevertheless, It was really sweet of him to tuck me in and apologise, at the least, I think that boy had some good in him after all.

"Bella, wasn't today supposed to be your first day of school?" Jake asked.

Suddenly I felt myself having a mini heart attack. It was my first day of school! 

"Yes!!! what's the time!?" I almost screamed.

"School's over Bella" Luke said, looking scared of my reaction.

"WHAT!" I practically shouted, "I cannot believe this is happening"

"I'm sorry Bella" Luke said.

"Don't apologise, it's not your fault. It's Ashton's fault! He knew where I was sleeping and even after he made me sleep on a sofa, he didn't have the decency to at least come down here and wake me up in the morning!?" I let out a breathe, still furious. Before Luke could say anything I got up taking the blanket and walking to the stairs.

"Bella!" Luke called from behind, "Just forget him. Instead, why don't we go to the headteacher, Don't you wanna explain to him why you didn't turn up today?"

Luke had a point, I went back down towards luke, almost everyone was still staring at me but I was just ignoring them. They were the least of my worries.

"Wait, Bella you're in your pyjamas" Luke pointed out.

"It's glamorous enough" I giggled and walked to the head office with Luke as Jake has slipped out somewhere in the middle of our conversation.

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