Chapter 2: Rift Part Two

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"Um, do you think you could take me back to my world now?" Rachel asked.

"Oh, right!" Skuld exclaimed. "Follow me!"

He led her out of the room and into a hallway that had a matching white wall, but unlike the previous room, it had a black tile on the floor, candles hanging from the ceiling, and doors- lots of doors. The hallways seemed like it went on forever.

"Someone else live here?" Rachel asked with her hands in her jean pockets. "There sure are a lot of rooms..."

"Just me and my two other, erm, sisters," Skuld replied with an irritated look on his face. "Most of these doors are entrances to different realities."

Ok. Rachel thought. Now he's really not making any sense...

Then, Skuld pulled out a ring of seemingly 1000 different keys and said, "We'll use these to get you back home. Now, describe your world for me."

"Uh-" Rachel started to speak before she was interrupted by a sharp, stinging pain in the back of her head. Wincing, she grabbed the sides of her head and leaned forward- the pain hurt too much for her to do anything but.

"W-whoa!" Skuld exclaimed. "D-don't force it!"

With a final sigh, Rachel let go of her head and stood back up, trying to catch her breath. "I can't remember..."

"Oh no... when I injured you, the impact made you loose your memories..."

Instead of yelling at him like she would instinctively, Rachel clenched her fist and sighed, glaring daggers at Skuld.

"U-uh, it'll be fine!" In a nervous spasm, he grabbed a key from the ring. "We'll just try each door until we find yours!"


Skuld led her to one of the plain, white doors, took the key he was holding, and unlocked the door. In contrast to the doors,  the key was rustic and ornate, like it was very old. After observing the keys, Rachel noticed that they were all different. The door swung open.

"Go ahead," Skuld said, gesturing for Rachel to walk in. She walked to the doorway and looked straight ahead. There was... nothing. Just darkness.

"Are you sure it's safe?" she asked. "There's nothing there."

"Yeah. Don't worry; I'll be there with you to make sure you're safe, so if it's not the right reality, I'll transport you back here."

"Ok..." Closing her eyes, Rachel lost all feelings of fear and fell down...

...And down.

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