Attack on titan

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( A/N before crystallized Annie but after female titian attack.)

Warring: grammar and punctuation read at risk

On a expedition hanji informined the survey corps that a different and rare titian appeared it was a crawler but was extremely fast and the inside of its mouth was purple. Levi as humanities strongest tried to kill it but got eaten wole. The others tried to save him but failed and the s.c. was wiped out.


Savanna's (me :-)) pov

I was reading a levi x reader fanfick with my best friends from school Cristopher Amaro, Paige Roberson, Brandi Lemus, Justin Maina, and Brandon Sosa. I was reading the levi x reader with my friend Cris and Paige was reading a death the kid x reader fanfick while the others complained that anime is boring. We were also watching attack on titans when I wished there were real cuse really eren and levi are bae. Then the tv snapped and zapped.

Cris: oh come on I saw this already but I need to see what happens to eren.

Savanna: stop your complaining it will work soon enough. Plus you seen it already I haven't. that's a big lie

Cris: yea but its my favorite part.

Savanna: what eren's limbs being chopped off.

Cris : no the part where he comes out of the other titan.

Savanna: that's weird and the titan reminded me of santa.

Cris:thats even weirder.

We we arguaring so we didn't notcited that the characters came through a weird purple portal until eren fell on me.


She said trying to slap me but I used Anabeth Chase's ( A/N from Percy Jackson )signature move and judo flipped her, put one knee one her chest , with my left arm on her neck, and punched her with my right .

Cris: never thought you would punch someone Savanna. Cris smirked

Savanna: I told you countless times not to mess with me expescy if its a guy I like I mumbled the last part.

************Time skip*************

After the others picked a room we live in a huge with 43 rooms and changed we all sat down to watch soul eater


Sry. Short chappy

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