Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Niall’s POV:

Megan was wearing a little white sundress.

Her red hair sat in waves that spilled over her exposed shoulders, settling below her chest where she fiddled with the ends.

Green eyes shone brightly, like two miscoloured stars standing out against a night sky.

Freckles lightly adorned her porcelain skin, decorating the canvas of her cheeks and nose.

Her lips were pink and parted and full and, most importantly, smiling.

Megan was smiling.

Megan was beautiful and she was smiling and it dawned on me that I had never witnessed true beauty like hers. How I had ever looked at her and saw anything less than perfection was beyond me. And it might have sounded sappy and corny to go on like this in my head, but that didn’t change the fact that these thoughts were true. She was this glorious human being that I was given the privilege to be in love with. It was amazing, really, how I had ever become so unbelievably lucky.

                “Niall?” she questioned in a whisper, sitting up from her spot against the arm of the sofa, “What are you thinking about?”

                I shrugged, “You.”

                A blush crept up her neck, “Oh.”

                “What are you thinking about?”


                “Oh,” I said quietly, mimicking her soft voice with a smile. She grinned and leaned back down, settling down, relaxing. I couldn’t remember the last time she had truly relaxed with me; I used to admire the way she’d snuggle up to me on the sofa and just breathe. Breathe because she was alive and well and I didn’t mind the way the air proceeding from her nose hit my bare chest. It was nice to be that close to someone. It was nice to be that close to her.

                “Tell me something, Niall,” she mumbled, “What is your favourite place in the entire world?”

                I raised an eyebrow, “Is this a trick question or something?”

                She shook her head and smiled, “No, I’m just curious.”

                I thought long and hard about my answer. This wasn’t something I often had to think about; I had seen more of the world than I ever dreamed would be possible...and yet no foreign country or landmark or stadium-sized concert stuck out to me at that moment. Instead, it was a simple little place that not even I was expecting. “The sofa in my mum’s living room,” I answered finally.

                Megan’s eyes widened in wonder, “Pardon?”

                I just laughed, “Is that not the answer you were looking for?”

                She quickly shook her head, “I just don’t understand. I mean, you’ve been all around the world. You’ve seen Japan and Italy and all of these beautiful places that I can’t even imagine...”

                I nodded, “It is quite amazing, I think so too. Sure I’ve seen more beautiful places, but you asked me what my favourite place in the entire world is and I told you.”

                “You’re right,” she muttered, “So why the sofa? It’s rather odd, don’t you think?”

                I shrugged, “Remember when we were little and I started tickling you on the sofa so you punched me in the face?”

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