Chapter 4

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Emma's P.O.V.
Dear Diary,
I woke up the next morning, confused at first from where I was. It took me a few minutes to realize I was at the hospital. I can't remember anything that happened since now. There's a boy in the other bed, I think his name was... Jackson? Oh, wait, it was Jakob. Anyways, I might need to go.
Jakob was staring at me.
"Yes?" I said.
"HI! Do you want breakfast? You slept in for a few hours. Its more like brunch." He wrote.
"Um, sure." He slid the table to me. Eggs, Sausage, and Waffles. I finished eating in 10 minutes, until I got really sick and dizzy. I stared at Jakob. He started laughing and smiled creepily at me. The nurse walked in and dropped all the needles and medication on the floor started to scream for the doctor.
"Night, Night." Jakob said. But, before I could say anything, I blacked out.

Justin's P.O.V.
I'm sitting in Algebra class, trying to focus on the test that I didn't study for. Then, I get called down to the principals office. 'Justin Everst, to the principles office please.' My teacher said. I got up, gave my teacher the uncompleted test, and walked out of the class with my stuff. I walked in the principals office, nervous.
"Justin?" Mrs. Angela said.
"Y-yes?" I replied.
"Its about your sister."
"Justin, What are you talking about? I called you down here because your sister blacked out in the hospital! You HAVE to go, NOW!" She said. I ran out the school doors and into my car,thinking about what happened to Emma. I didn't know she went to the hospital. ~~~~~~~~~~~Car Ride~~~~~~~~~~
I got out of my car and ran into the hospital, I ran into a nurse and asked her where my sister was.
"My sister! Emma Everst!"
"Brother! QUICK, COME WITH ME!" I ran with her into this giant room. The nurse tapped the doctor's shoulder.
"Brother." She said.
"Okay." He walked up to me.
"Justin, right?"
"Yeah, whatever, WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SISTER!?" I shouted.
"Her roommate, Jakob, gave her his breakfast. In that breakfast were extremely strong pills, and if taken by someone who's not prescribed to it, can have serious symptoms. Blacking out is one of them."
"What are the other symptoms?"
"Nausea, Headaches, Dizziness, and more, but the serious one's are mood swings (anger problems severely), anxiety attacks,suicidal thoughts, and depression."
"Oh God! Please, let me see her!" I said, trying to get a look.
"I'm sorry, but we can't let you do that."
"What! Why?! I'm related by blood!"
"Only par-" I shoved past him and saw Emma. She had IV's in her arms and other needles in her arms and legs. She was bleeding, it looked liked, and she was really pale.
"Sir! You have to come back." The doctor pulled my arm back.
"She's gonna be in this room for a while, I suggest getting her things from the room that she was in and leaving, I'm sure you have somewhere important to be." He said. He was right, I need to go to to Westwood High, my dad works there.

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