Chubby Cheeks 1

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The world spins relentlessly and I am still a damsel in distress. 

Groaning with a massive headache, I slowly get up from my pink duvet and spongy bed, closing my eyes to the full mirror on the left side of the study table. Expecting a miracle, I opened my eyes and those who gazed back at me were huge flappy flaps of fat and thick cushions of spongy thighs.

Groaning once again, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Rinsing thoroughly, I looked at myself one last time in my bath mirror and stuck my tongue out which beautifully highlighted my double chin. Cute!

If the sun was, even more, shinier than this, I am sure I will puke to the cliche of it. It's bright but not doing wonders for me. I hate it.

There has been not one morning, have I looked at the mirror and smiled at myself. How can I? The guilt stuck in my throat for shoving that last m&m into my mouth yesterday night makes me want to bawl my eyes out. But, get yourself stuck in the money of your parents without them, all alone in an apartment that has the best view of the park and tell me, how will you feel? 

My insides churn at the thought of the fat under my skin and the people around me were of great help to make me think that I was the least useful thing in the entire world. They brought me down to earth and laughed at the way I squabble. It was pretty devastating, but who has ears for fat girls.

 Ever since I started to gain weight, I wanted to do something and show the world that fat girls could do something. They are not a burden to the face of the earth. And if I was a burden, then I am certainly not yours, nor your families; they why the heck should you bother me when I am trying to eat that chocolate cake. It's perfectly my choice. Right? 

But, never have I had the courage to do something in front of the public because whenever I start to do something, either I fall face first or I shall pull others along with me which was super embarrassing; so, I kept to myself and never complained. I stuck to my home, a spacious two-bedroom apartment, and wander the same streets with my eyes from the bedroom window. It was awesome, to study people and have no comments back.

Well, enough was enough... I have to do something about my eating disorder and depression. Thus, I started to go for a jog. But, who knew it would be this difficult. Taking the stress was not a strenuous thing. A fat girl with jogging shorts is a fun sight to watch. Well, I choose to wear loose sweats; which in turn made me look like a giant elephant.

The cool air was refreshing to my skin, but the constant wriggle of something underneath my baggy shirt was frustrating, you know the constant jingle bells of my stomach; yet, I moved on as nothing bothers me.

And just when I felt like breathing out a sigh of relief, I heard the most agonizing thing... which curdled my blood and shot adrenaline to its peak.

"Hey fattso...jogging to impress eyes?" followed by chuckles means that my ears are on fire. Unlike many fat girls I know, I don't retreat crying, rather walk up and stick my finger especially you know which and say, "wanna join me? I bet those skin could use some toned muscles rather than mashed up ones. Plus we could be like the cute ten; me being the zero and you the one."

Roaring laughter after my lame comeback means enemy. But, do I care? Heck, no... They had no right in the first place to dig my bones.

"What did you say, fattso?" he was dangerously close to me and I could feel his breath on me. This guy here was the heartthrob of many girls as being the bad boy leader. But, now that his breath is contaminating my sweet not so beautiful face, it irked me up.

"Uh...oh, did I hurt your feelings?" even if it means more chuckles, I don't feel enlightened, he stares at me like he was about to rip me apart but I stand there unaffected by the glare in his eyes and ignoring his breath on me. I turned and started to walk away from the drama, but he held onto my shoulders and turned me.

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