12. how

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I liked him back.

SHit! Shit! SHIT! SHIttttt!!

Why does he kept doing this too me? o(╯□╰)o

Yesterday, i was sending my scholarship letter to the teacher. After i finished, i went to another teacher to sent another letter. On my way! I bumped into him.

YAY life.

He freaking stopped infront of me when he saw me, but i kept walking. Excuse me! I was too nervous to act okay!

Then, after all the settlement with the teacher. I went back to the first place. And as boringly it sounds, i saw him infront of the freaking door!!! Laughing with his friends..

I decided to use the other door, but lucky was not on my side. it was full with humans, i rather die than use that door.

So, id forced myself to use the front door. And BAM! I bumped into him again. His friends was infront, and he was at the back. I don't know where to walk because he freaking blocked the door!!

And you know what? I just wow...


Then, i walked infornt of him, he was so freaking tall. I felt like a potato there. HE was even so handsome with his long sleeve uniform and his hair swayed to the left. Gosh.

And this morning, i was on my way to the class. So, u had to use the stairs beside my class.fyi, i was downstairs.

So, basically TAEHYUNG OR HIS GANG will not ever ever use that stair in the morning. they only use it after recess.

But then, while i was stepping the stairs. I heard Hana coughed loudly, i thought there was something wrong with her.

Then, i saw at the back of her. It was freaking TAehyung&his gang.


WHy now? WHy does he nit do all these when i like him? Now i'm starting to fall for him more.

I just dont understand him.


How does he has the ability to take my heart and make me fall him more? I'm saying this seriously, you guys might think he likes me. BUT i dont even think so.


Because he likes my friend..


Yea no worries. Im far than okay. IT meant that, a crush is meant to be crushed. Not to be loved.

Psychology says " if u like someone more than 4 months, you don't like him anymore. You love him. "

The question is.

Do i even love him?


Chapter 12. Ehey. I know, late update. My WiFi aint giving me shits.

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